
Git Hygiene

Figure 1

XKCD Git Commit


Figure 1

Basic GitHub Branches with the `main` branch showing five commits and a `branch` forking off at the third commit with two commits of its own
Basic GitHub Branches

Figure 2

A linear Git History on the `main` branch showing the position of `HEAD`.
A linear Git History on the main branch showing the position of HEAD.

Figure 3

Relative references on the `main` branch with 9 commits showing the commit hash and the reference relative to the `HEAD`
Relative Refs on a Git Branch

Diverging Branches

Figure 1

Diverging branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
Diverging branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.

Figure 2

Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.

Figure 3

After - merging ns-rse/1-zero-division into main then main into ns-rse/2-square-root. Development is completed on ns-rse/2-square-root and the feature merged into main
After - merging ns-rse/1-zero-division into main then main into ns-rse/2-square-root. Development is completed on ns-rse/2-square-root and the feature merged into main

Figure 4

Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.

Figure 5

After - rebase to bring the diverged branch up-to-date with main which includes ns-rse/1-zero-division. Two more commits are made and ns-rse/2-square-root is then merged into main.
After - rebase to bring the diverged branch up-to-date with main which includes ns-rse/1-zero-division. Two more commits are made and ns-rse/2-square-root is then merged into main.

Figure 6

Diverged branches
Diverged branches

Figure 7


Figure 8



Continuous Integration

Additional Topics

Further Resources

Figure 1

xkcd : Git