
Git Hygiene

  • Global configuration is via .gitconfig
  • Local configuration is via .git/config and takes precedence over Global.
  • Configuration can be done at the command line or by editing files.
  • Ignore files using .gitignore.
  • Make commits atomic, i.e. small and focused using git commit --amend and git commit --fixup, better still make life easier using git absorb.
  • git rebase --interactive can be used to squash commits.
  • Keeping the commit history atomic and clean makes it easier to understand what work has been undertaken.
  • Git periodically tidies things up for you with git gc.
  • You can and should enable further automated cleaning by enabling git mainenance on a repository.


  • Branches and how they relate to each other are fundamental to collaborating using Git.
  • The history of a branch is a series of commits and extends all the way back to the very first commit and not the point at which it forked from its parents.
  • Branches can be easily created, merged and deleted.
  • Commits all have references and Git can move you between these references using git commit or compare them using git diff.

Diverging Branches

  • Branches can become outdated as work progresses
  • Branches can be brought up-to-date with either git merge or git rebase.


  • Hooks are actions run by Git before or after particular events such as commit, push and pull via scripts.
  • They are defined in Bash scripts in the .git/hooks directory.
  • The pre-commit framework provides a wealth of hooks that can be enabled to run, by default, before commits are made.
  • Each hook can be configured to run on specific files, or to take additional arguments.
  • Local hooks can be configured to run when dependencies that will only be found on your system/virtual environment are required.
  • Use hooks liberally as you develop your code locally, they save you time.

Continuous Integration

  • Continuous Integration/Delivery is a useful method of checking code before it enters the main branch.

  • GitHub uses Actions that are defined by YAML configuration files under .github/workflow/.

  • Actions can be restricted to events/branches/tags.

  • allows integration of pre-commit hooks in GitHub Actions.

Additional Topics

Further Resources