Additional Topics

Last updated on 2024-08-02 | Edit this page

Some additional topics that extend working with branches and the process of reviewing.

Worktrees instead of Branches

Sometimes you will want to switch between branches that are all in development in the middle of work. If you’ve made changes to files that you have not saved and committed Git will tell you that the changes made to your files will be over-written if they differ from those on the branch you are switching to and it will refuse to switch branches.

This means either making a commit or as we’ve just seen stashing the work to come back to at a later date. Neither of these are particularly problematic as you can git pop stashed work to restore it or git commit --amend, or git commit --fixup and squash commits to maintain small atomic commits and avoid cluttering up the commit history with commits such as “Saving work to review another branch” (more on this in the next episode!). But, perhaps unsurprisingly, Git has another way of helping your workflow in this situation. Rather than having branches you can use “worktrees”.

Normally when you’ve git clone’d a repository all configuration files for working with the repository are saved to the repository directory under .git and all files in their current state on the main branch are also copied to the repository directory. If we clone the pytest-examples directory we can look at its contents using tree -afHD -L 2 (this limits the depth as we don’t need to look deep inside the .git or mypy directories which contain lots of files).


git clone
cd pytest-examples
tree -afhD -L 2
[4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  .
├── [ 52K Jan  5 11:26]  ./.coverage
├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git
│   ├── [ 749 Jan  5 11:30]  ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
│   ├── [ 394 Jan  5 11:28]  ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG~
│   ├── [ 479 Feb 17 14:08]  ./.git/config
│   ├── [ 556 Feb 17 14:06]  ./.git/config~
│   ├── [  73 Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/description
│   ├── [ 222 Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/FETCH_HEAD
│   ├── [  21 Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/HEAD
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:27]  ./.git/hooks
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/index
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/info
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/logs
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/objects
│   ├── [  41 Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/ORIG_HEAD
│   ├── [ 112 Jan  3 15:57]  ./.git/packed-refs
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/refs
│   └── [4.0K Jan  1 13:31]  ./.git/rr-cache
├── [4.0K Jan  2 11:52]  ./.github
│   └── [4.0K Jan  3 15:57]  ./.github/workflows
├── [3.0K Jan  2 12:06]  ./.gitignore
├── [1.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./LICENSE
├── [ 293 Jan  2 12:06]  ./.markdownlint-cli2.yaml
├── [4.0K Jan  5 11:27]  ./.mypy_cache
│   ├── [ 12K Jan  5 11:28]  ./.mypy_cache/3.11
│   ├── [ 190 Jan  2 10:39]  ./.mypy_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG
│   └── [  34 Jan  2 10:39]  ./.mypy_cache/.gitignore
├── [1.7K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.pre-commit-config.yaml
├── [ 763 Jan  1 13:25]  ./.pre-commit-config.yaml~
├── [ 18K Jan  2 12:06]  ./.pylintrc
├── [4.8K Mar 11 07:26]  ./pyproject.toml
├── [4.7K Jan  1 17:36]  ./pyproject.toml~
├── [4.0K Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache
│   ├── [ 191 Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG
│   ├── [  37 Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/.gitignore
│   ├── [ 302 Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/
│   └── [4.0K Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/v
├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples/
│   ├── [ 179 Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples/
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  5 11:18]  ./pytest_examples/__pycache__
│   ├── [ 491 Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples/
│   └── [ 390 Jan  2 13:34]  ./pytest_examples/
├── [4.0K Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info
│   ├── [   1 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
│   ├── [3.1K Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/PKG-INFO
│   ├── [ 481 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/requires.txt
│   ├── [ 446 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
│   └── [  16 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/top_level.txt
├── [ 602 Jan  3 15:57]  ./
├── [   0 Jan  1 13:31]  ./
├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:30]  ./.ruff_cache
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  2 11:57]  ./.ruff_cache/0.1.8
│   ├── [  43 Jan  1 13:30]  ./.ruff_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG
│   └── [   1 Jan  1 13:30]  ./.ruff_cache/.gitignore
├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests
│   ├── [ 681 Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests/
│   ├── [  26 Jan  2 12:11]  ./tests/
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  5 11:26]  ./tests/__pycache__
│   ├── [1.7K Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests/
│   ├── [1.6K Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests/
│   └── [   0 Jan  2 13:36]  ./tests/
└── [ 460 Jan  2 16:09]  ./

21 directories, 43 files

The Worktree

Worktrees take a different approach to organising branches. They start with a --bare clone of the repository which implies the --no-checkout flag and means that the files that would normally be found under the <repository>/.git directory are copied but are instead placed in the top level of the directory rather than under .git/. No tracked files are copied as they may conflict with these files. You have all the information Git has about the history of the repository and the different commits and branches but none of the actual files.

NB If you don’t explicitly state a target directory to clone to it will be the repository name suffixed with .git, i.e. in this example pytest-examples.git. I recommend sticking with the convention of using the same repository name so will explicitly state it.


cd ..
mv pytest-examples pytest-examples-orig-clone
git clone --bare pytest-examples
cd pytest-examples
tree -afhD -L 2
[4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  .
├── [ 129 Mar 13 07:45]  ./config
├── [  73 Mar 13 07:45]  ./description
├── [  21 Mar 13 07:45]  ./HEAD
├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks
│   ├── [ 478 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/applypatch-msg.sample
│   ├── [ 896 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/commit-msg.sample
│   ├── [4.6K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample
│   ├── [ 189 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/post-update.sample
│   ├── [ 424 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-applypatch.sample
│   ├── [1.6K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-commit.sample
│   ├── [ 416 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample
│   ├── [1.5K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-push.sample
│   ├── [4.8K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-rebase.sample
│   ├── [ 544 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-receive.sample
│   ├── [2.7K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/push-to-checkout.sample
│   ├── [2.3K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/sendemail-validate.sample
│   └── [3.6K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/update.sample
├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./info
│   └── [ 240 Mar 13 07:45]  ./info/exclude
├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./objects
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./objects/info
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./objects/pack
├── [ 249 Mar 13 07:45]  ./packed-refs
└── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./refs
    ├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./refs/heads
    └── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./refs/tags

9 directories, 19 files

What use is that? Well from this point you can instead of using git branch use git worktree add <branch_name> and it will create a directory with the name of the branch which holds all the files in their current state on that branch.


git worktree add main
Preparing worktree (checking out 'main')
HEAD is now at 2f7c382 Merge pull request #6 from ns-rse/ns-rse/tidy-print
tree -afhD -L 2 main/
[4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main
├── [  64 Mar 13 08:13]  main/.git
├── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.github
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.github/workflows
├── [3.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.gitignore
├── [1.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/LICENSE
├── [ 293 Mar 13 08:13]  main/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml
├── [1.7K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.pre-commit-config.yaml
├── [ 18K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.pylintrc
├── [4.8K Mar 13 08:13]  main/pyproject.toml
├── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples/
│   ├── [ 179 Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples/
│   └── [ 491 Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples/
├── [ 602 Mar 13 08:13]  main/
└── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests
    ├── [ 681 Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests/
    ├── [1.7K Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests/
    └── [1.6K Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests/

5 directories, 14 files

Each branch can have a worktree added for it and then when you want to switch between them its is simply a case of cding into the worktree (/branch) you wish to work on. You use Git commands within the worktree directory to apply them to that branch and Git keeps track of everything in the usual manner.

Lets create two worktree’s, the contributing and citation we created above when working with branches. If you didn’t


cd ../
mv pytest-examples pytest-examples-orig-clone
git clone --bare pytest-examples
cd pytest-examples
git worktree add contributing
git worktree add citation

You are now free to move between worktrees (/branches) and undertake work on each without having to git stash or git commit work in progress. We can add the to the contributing worktree then jump to the citation worktree and add the CITATION.cff


cd contributing
echo "# Contributing\n\nContributions to this repository are welcome via Pull Requests." >
cd ../citation
echo "cff-version: 1.2.0\ntitle: Pytest Examples\ntype: software" > CITATION.cff

Neither branches have had the changes committed so Git will not show any differences between them, but we can use diff -qr to compare the directories.


diff -qr contributing citation
Only in citation: CITATION.cff
Only in contributing:
Files contributing/.git and citation/.git differ

If we commit the changes to each we can git diff them.


cd contributing
git add
git commit -m "Adding basic"
cd ../citation
git add CITATION.cff
git commit -m "Adding basic CITATION.cff"
git diff citation contributing
CITATION.cff --- Text
1 cff-version: 1.2.0
2 title: Pytest Examples
3 type: software --- Text
1 # Contributing
3 Contributions to this repository are welcome via Pull Requests

NB The output of git diff may depend on the difftool that you have configured, I use and recommend the brilliant difftastic which has easy integration with Git.

Listing Worktrees

Just as you can git branch --list you can git worktree list


git worktree list
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples               (bare)
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/citation      19ff076 [citation]
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/contributing  ad56b91 [contributing]
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/main          2f7c382 [main]

Moving Worktrees

You can move worktrees to different directories, these do not even have to be within the bare repository that you cloned as Git keeps track of these in the worktrees/ directory which has a folder for each of the worktrees you create and the file gitdir points to the location of that particular worktree.


cd pytest-examples   # Move to the bare repository
tree -afhD -L 2 worktrees
[4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees
├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation
│   ├── [  26 Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation/COMMIT_EDITMSG
│   ├── [   6 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/commondir
│   ├── [  55 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/gitdir
│   ├── [  25 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/HEAD
│   ├── [1.4K Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation/index
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/logs
│   ├── [   0 Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation/MERGE_RR
│   ├── [  41 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/ORIG_HEAD
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/refs
├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing
│   ├── [  29 Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing/COMMIT_EDITMSG
│   ├── [   6 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/commondir
│   ├── [  59 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/gitdir
│   ├── [  29 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/HEAD
│   ├── [1.4K Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing/index
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/logs
│   ├── [   0 Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing/MERGE_RR
│   ├── [  41 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/ORIG_HEAD
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/refs
└── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main
    ├── [   6 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/commondir
    ├── [  51 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/gitdir
    ├── [  21 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/HEAD
    ├── [1.3K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/index
    ├── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/logs
    ├── [  41 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/ORIG_HEAD
    └── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/refs

10 directories, 19 files

If we look at the gitdir file in each worktree sub-directory we see where they point to.


cat worktrees/*/gitdir

These mirror the locations reported by git worktree list, albeit with .git appended.

If you want to move a worktree you can do so, here we move citation to ~/tmp.


git worktree move citation ~/tmp

Removing worktrees

It’s simple to remove a worktree after the changes have been merged or it is no longer needed, make sure to “prune” the tree after having done so.


git worktree remove citation
git worktree prune
git worktree list
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples               (bare)
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/contributing  ad56b91 [contributing]
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/main          2f7c382 [main]

Not Breaking Things During Rebasing

As you rebase your branch you can make sure that you don’t break any of your code by running tests at each step. This is achieved using the -x switch which will execute the command that follows. The example below would run pytest at each step of the git rebase and if tests fail you can fix them.


git rebase -x "pytest" <reference>

Constructive Reviewing

Working collaboratively invariably involves reviewing pull/merge requests made by others. This is not something you should be afraid or anxious about undertaking as its a good opportunity to learn. Whether your work is being reviewed or you are reviewing others reading other people’s code is an excellent way of learning.

Code Review Tutorial is an online tutorial to help you learn and improve how to undertake code reviews. It is an interactive self-paced learning resource that you can work through with the goals of…

  • Becoming a better reviewer and consider your method of communication, constructive and actionable criticism.
  • Be more comfortable having your code reviewed, share early and often.
  • Use code review as a collaboration tool for sharing knowledge so that everyone understands what changes are being made.
  • Read more code! You will be encouraged to read the source code of the software and tools you regularly use, its a great way of learning.
  • Enable more open source contributions and reviews.

Code Review Principles

There are a number of useful guides out there to help you improve how you undertake code review. Two that stand out are listed below and it is recommended that you take the time to read through these.