
Last updated on 2024-08-02 | Edit this page



  • Who else is doing this course?
  • What can you expect from this course?


  • Find out something interesting about other participants.
  • Understand the way in which you are expected to behave and interact with other participants.
  • Have an overview of the content and material that will be covered.
  • Pair up with another participant to collaborate with during this workshop.

Git is, in 2024, the most widely used version control system by far. It was developed by Linus Torvalds to manage Linux kernel development and since then has exploded. Websites such as GitHub and GitLab make asynchronous collaboration on common code bases possible and underpin many, many software projects from enterprise grade tools such as the aforementioned Linux kernel, the increasingly popular Rust through to niche products such as Snapcast or Android apps for tracking your exercise such as OpenTracks.

Git and Forges, online repositories for working with Git, such as GitHub, GitLab SourceHut, Codeberg, and ForgeJo and so forth are wonderful tools for collaboration. However, because of the complexities of version controlling software in distributed, collaborative environments the tool itself, Git, has become quite complex. There are many different tasks that one may wish to undertake and often several different ways of achieving these.

Its relatively easy to get the basics of working with Git on your own or with small groups to work collaboratively on code development. If you aren’t already familiar with these basics then this course isn’t for you (yet!) and you would benefit from an introductory course such as Git, GitHub through GitKraken : From Zero to Hero! or the Software Carpentry : Version Control with Git. This course aims to show you some of the more involved ways to use Git in a collaborative environment.

Most of the ways in which collaboration can be eased is through a better understanding of how Git works and by maintaining clean and focused commits which make the task of reviewing work easier for those you are collaborating with.

Code of Conduct

To make clear what is expected, everyone participating in The Carpentries activities is required to abide by our Code of Conduct. Any form of behaviour to exclude, intimidate, or cause discomfort is a violation of the Code of Conduct. In order to foster a positive and professional learning environment we encourage you to:

  • Use welcoming and inclusive language
  • Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences
  • Gracefully accept constructive criticism
  • Focus on what is best for the community
  • Show courtesy and respect towards other community members

If you believe someone is violating the Code of Conduct, we ask that you report it to The Carpentries Code of Conduct Committee by completing this form.



Since this course is all about collaboration we would like you now to pair up with another participant in order to undertake the exercises contained in this course. This could be the person sitting next to you if this is an in-person course or if the course is online one of the instructors will pair you up at random.

Once paired up please add details to the Etherpad along with your GitHub usernames.


The aim of pairing up is not to divide the tasks between people. There are a few exceptions but for most tasks you should work with your partner to solve each of the challenges, but with one person at the “driving seat” making the changes to the code as required.

You should discuss what you think the solution should be as you work through the challenge.

This is software development technique known as Pair Programming and by discussing the solutions you will hopefully come away with a better understanding of the material.

Getting to Know Each Other

In order to break the ice and find out something about the other participants on this course, please think about a situation BVC (Before Version Control) where you might have had a problem that Version Control would have prevented. This might be deleting files by mistake or making changes to code that broke your programme and not being unable to undo them.

If the course is being run in person please describe the situation to the person or people sat next to you. Write your answer in the collaborative pad under a heading with your name.

If you are participating online please write down your names of pairs and provide an answer in the collaborative notepad.

Cloning Repositories

Choose Roles, Clone Repository and

Introduce yourself to the person you have paired up with. You now need to decide who is to take on each of the two roles. There isn’t much between them in terms of what you will be doing but one person needs to be the repository owner and one person needs to be a collaborator.

Repository Owner

The Repository Owner should visit the Python Maths repository on GitHub. To avoid the default base branch being this repository we do not use templates. Instead the Repository owner should follow these steps to get a copy of the repository under their account.

  1. Use the Code button of the Python Maths to clone the repository locally (git clone
  2. Fetch additional branches with git fetch origin {divide,multiply,ns-rse/merge-conflict}.
  3. On GitHub create an empty repository called python-maths using the new repo, do not add a license or .gitignore to the repository, it should be completely empty.
  4. In the locally cloned python-maths directory open the .git/config file and edit the line 7 that reads url = and replace ns-rse with your GitHub user name. E.g. if your GitHub username is alice_and_bob it should read url = Save these changes.
  5. Force push with git push --force.

This edit changes the origin to be the empty repository you created under your account called python-maths and pushes the cloned repository there.

Once you have completed this you need to invite your collaborator to work on the repository with you. Navigate to Settings > People and add invite you collaborator to the project.


You should accept the invitation you have received to work on the Template the Repository Owner just sent you and clone their version of the python-maths repository.

Install python-maths under the Virtual Environment

Both individuals should now have local copies of the repository. After activating the git-collaboration Virtual Environment you created during setup should install the package in editable mode within the environment along with the test dependencies. If you are not familiar with working with Python follow the instructions in the Solutions below.

NB - Once cloned you may have to explicitly fetch the multiply and divide branches, instructions are in the solution.

Both the repository owner and collaborator should now clone the repository from the repository owners copy not the original template.

Click on the Code button and then the SSH tab. Copy the URL. If you want to clone the work to ~/work/git/ then in a terminal


cd ~/work/git
git clone<owners_id>/python-maths
cd python-maths

Repository Owners

Just the repository owner should now edit the .git/config and modify line 7 where the url of the origin is defined replace ns-rse with their GitHub username. For example if the repository owner uses the alice_and_bob username on GitHub it should read.


 [remote "origin"]
     url =
     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Alternatively you can do this at the command line with…


git remote set-url origin

The Repository Owner should create a new, empty, but public repository on GitHub called python-maths, there is no need to include a license nor .gitignore file.

The Repository Owner can push the cloned repository to their account with, the --force is optional and shouldn’t be required unless you have inadvertently initialised the repository with additional files.


git push --force


Once the Repository Owner has cloned and pushed a copy of the repository to their account the Collaborator can clone that. If the Repository Owner has username alice_and_bob then you can clone with the following command.


git clone

On the python-maths repository you both now have access to protect the main branch to require approvals.

  1. Settings > Branches > Add branch protection rule
  2. Enter main under Branch name pattern
  3. Check the box Require a pull request before merging
  4. Prevent the repository owner from bypassing the rules by checking Do not allow bypassing the above settings.
  5. Save the changes using the button at the bottom of the page.

If you have not already done so activate the git-collaboration environment you created as described in the setup instructions.


conda activate git-collaboration

You can now install the package and its test dependencies in an editable format so that as you work on the package the changes you make will instantly be available. Make sure you are in the python-maths directory (use pwd to show where you are and cd to change directory).


pip install -e .[tests,dev]

You can optionally check everything is installed and runs by running the tests via pytest


========================================== test session starts ==========================================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.8, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0
Matplotlib: 3.8.4
Freetype: 2.6.1
rootdir: /home/neil/work/teaching/git_collaboration/2024-04-19/python-maths
configfile: pyproject.toml
testpaths: tests
plugins: regtest-2.1.1, pylint-0.21.0, github-actions-annotate-failures-0.2.0, xdist-3.5.0, cov-5.0.0, anyio-4.3.0, mock-3.14.0, mpl-0.17.0
collected 26 items

tests/ ......................                                                   [ 84%]
tests/ ....                                                                           [100%]

----------------------------------------- pytest-regtest report -----------------------------------------
total number of failed regression tests: 0

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.11.8-final-0 -----------
Name                        Stmts   Miss  Cover
pythonmaths/       8      0   100%
pythonmaths/             4      0   100%
TOTAL                          12      0   100%

========================================== 26 passed in 0.28s ===========================================

After completing these steps you should both have a copy of the python-maths repository on your local computer.


If desired you can between you update the Metadata in pyproject.toml it is important to have accurate Metadata in this file because if you ever publish your package to Python Package Index (PyPI) it will be used.

To update the metadata create a branch and update lines 12 and 13 with your names and email addresses. Push the changes, create a pull request and merge the changes.