Content from Introduction

Last updated on 2024-08-02 | Edit this page



  • Who else is doing this course?
  • What can you expect from this course?


  • Find out something interesting about other participants.
  • Understand the way in which you are expected to behave and interact with other participants.
  • Have an overview of the content and material that will be covered.
  • Pair up with another participant to collaborate with during this workshop.

Git is, in 2024, the most widely used version control system by far. It was developed by Linus Torvalds to manage Linux kernel development and since then has exploded. Websites such as GitHub and GitLab make asynchronous collaboration on common code bases possible and underpin many, many software projects from enterprise grade tools such as the aforementioned Linux kernel, the increasingly popular Rust through to niche products such as Snapcast or Android apps for tracking your exercise such as OpenTracks.

Git and Forges, online repositories for working with Git, such as GitHub, GitLab SourceHut, Codeberg, and ForgeJo and so forth are wonderful tools for collaboration. However, because of the complexities of version controlling software in distributed, collaborative environments the tool itself, Git, has become quite complex. There are many different tasks that one may wish to undertake and often several different ways of achieving these.

Its relatively easy to get the basics of working with Git on your own or with small groups to work collaboratively on code development. If you aren’t already familiar with these basics then this course isn’t for you (yet!) and you would benefit from an introductory course such as Git, GitHub through GitKraken : From Zero to Hero! or the Software Carpentry : Version Control with Git. This course aims to show you some of the more involved ways to use Git in a collaborative environment.

Most of the ways in which collaboration can be eased is through a better understanding of how Git works and by maintaining clean and focused commits which make the task of reviewing work easier for those you are collaborating with.

Code of Conduct

To make clear what is expected, everyone participating in The Carpentries activities is required to abide by our Code of Conduct. Any form of behaviour to exclude, intimidate, or cause discomfort is a violation of the Code of Conduct. In order to foster a positive and professional learning environment we encourage you to:

  • Use welcoming and inclusive language
  • Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences
  • Gracefully accept constructive criticism
  • Focus on what is best for the community
  • Show courtesy and respect towards other community members

If you believe someone is violating the Code of Conduct, we ask that you report it to The Carpentries Code of Conduct Committee by completing this form.



Since this course is all about collaboration we would like you now to pair up with another participant in order to undertake the exercises contained in this course. This could be the person sitting next to you if this is an in-person course or if the course is online one of the instructors will pair you up at random.

Once paired up please add details to the Etherpad along with your GitHub usernames.


The aim of pairing up is not to divide the tasks between people. There are a few exceptions but for most tasks you should work with your partner to solve each of the challenges, but with one person at the “driving seat” making the changes to the code as required.

You should discuss what you think the solution should be as you work through the challenge.

This is software development technique known as Pair Programming and by discussing the solutions you will hopefully come away with a better understanding of the material.

Getting to Know Each Other

In order to break the ice and find out something about the other participants on this course, please think about a situation BVC (Before Version Control) where you might have had a problem that Version Control would have prevented. This might be deleting files by mistake or making changes to code that broke your programme and not being unable to undo them.

If the course is being run in person please describe the situation to the person or people sat next to you. Write your answer in the collaborative pad under a heading with your name.

If you are participating online please write down your names of pairs and provide an answer in the collaborative notepad.

Cloning Repositories

Choose Roles, Clone Repository and

Introduce yourself to the person you have paired up with. You now need to decide who is to take on each of the two roles. There isn’t much between them in terms of what you will be doing but one person needs to be the repository owner and one person needs to be a collaborator.

Repository Owner

The Repository Owner should visit the Python Maths repository on GitHub. To avoid the default base branch being this repository we do not use templates. Instead the Repository owner should follow these steps to get a copy of the repository under their account.

  1. Use the Code button of the Python Maths to clone the repository locally (git clone
  2. Fetch additional branches with git fetch origin {divide,multiply,ns-rse/merge-conflict}.
  3. On GitHub create an empty repository called python-maths using the new repo, do not add a license or .gitignore to the repository, it should be completely empty.
  4. In the locally cloned python-maths directory open the .git/config file and edit the line 7 that reads url = and replace ns-rse with your GitHub user name. E.g. if your GitHub username is alice_and_bob it should read url = Save these changes.
  5. Force push with git push --force.

This edit changes the origin to be the empty repository you created under your account called python-maths and pushes the cloned repository there.

Once you have completed this you need to invite your collaborator to work on the repository with you. Navigate to Settings > People and add invite you collaborator to the project.


You should accept the invitation you have received to work on the Template the Repository Owner just sent you and clone their version of the python-maths repository.

Install python-maths under the Virtual Environment

Both individuals should now have local copies of the repository. After activating the git-collaboration Virtual Environment you created during setup should install the package in editable mode within the environment along with the test dependencies. If you are not familiar with working with Python follow the instructions in the Solutions below.

NB - Once cloned you may have to explicitly fetch the multiply and divide branches, instructions are in the solution.

Both the repository owner and collaborator should now clone the repository from the repository owners copy not the original template.

Click on the Code button and then the SSH tab. Copy the URL. If you want to clone the work to ~/work/git/ then in a terminal


cd ~/work/git
git clone<owners_id>/python-maths
cd python-maths

Repository Owners

Just the repository owner should now edit the .git/config and modify line 7 where the url of the origin is defined replace ns-rse with their GitHub username. For example if the repository owner uses the alice_and_bob username on GitHub it should read.


 [remote "origin"]
     url =
     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Alternatively you can do this at the command line with…


git remote set-url origin

The Repository Owner should create a new, empty, but public repository on GitHub called python-maths, there is no need to include a license nor .gitignore file.

The Repository Owner can push the cloned repository to their account with, the --force is optional and shouldn’t be required unless you have inadvertently initialised the repository with additional files.


git push --force


Once the Repository Owner has cloned and pushed a copy of the repository to their account the Collaborator can clone that. If the Repository Owner has username alice_and_bob then you can clone with the following command.


git clone

On the python-maths repository you both now have access to protect the main branch to require approvals.

  1. Settings > Branches > Add branch protection rule
  2. Enter main under Branch name pattern
  3. Check the box Require a pull request before merging
  4. Prevent the repository owner from bypassing the rules by checking Do not allow bypassing the above settings.
  5. Save the changes using the button at the bottom of the page.

If you have not already done so activate the git-collaboration environment you created as described in the setup instructions.


conda activate git-collaboration

You can now install the package and its test dependencies in an editable format so that as you work on the package the changes you make will instantly be available. Make sure you are in the python-maths directory (use pwd to show where you are and cd to change directory).


pip install -e .[tests,dev]

You can optionally check everything is installed and runs by running the tests via pytest


========================================== test session starts ==========================================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.8, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0
Matplotlib: 3.8.4
Freetype: 2.6.1
rootdir: /home/neil/work/teaching/git_collaboration/2024-04-19/python-maths
configfile: pyproject.toml
testpaths: tests
plugins: regtest-2.1.1, pylint-0.21.0, github-actions-annotate-failures-0.2.0, xdist-3.5.0, cov-5.0.0, anyio-4.3.0, mock-3.14.0, mpl-0.17.0
collected 26 items

tests/ ......................                                                   [ 84%]
tests/ ....                                                                           [100%]

----------------------------------------- pytest-regtest report -----------------------------------------
total number of failed regression tests: 0

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.11.8-final-0 -----------
Name                        Stmts   Miss  Cover
pythonmaths/       8      0   100%
pythonmaths/             4      0   100%
TOTAL                          12      0   100%

========================================== 26 passed in 0.28s ===========================================

After completing these steps you should both have a copy of the python-maths repository on your local computer.


If desired you can between you update the Metadata in pyproject.toml it is important to have accurate Metadata in this file because if you ever publish your package to Python Package Index (PyPI) it will be used.

To update the metadata create a branch and update lines 12 and 13 with your names and email addresses. Push the changes, create a pull request and merge the changes.

Content from Git Hygiene

Last updated on 2024-09-17 | Edit this page



  • How do I configure Git globally and locally?
  • How do we keep our repository and history clean?
  • What are atomic commits?
  • How do I avoid Fixing typo commits?


  • Command line configuration of Git.
  • Manually editing Git configuration files.
  • Use .gitignore to avoid adding unnecessary files.
  • Understand the concept of Atomic commits.
  • Ammending commits.
  • git absorb the magic sponge!
  • Squashing commits.
  • Automated maintenance.

Git Configuration

Git configuration comes in two forms, “global” and “local” and is courtesy of some simple text files. The global configuration file lives in your home directory and on GNU/Linux and OSX systems is ~/.gitconfig (on Windows it is C:\Users\<username>\.gitconfig) and will have been setup when you first attempted to use Git and were prompted for your name and email address.

Each repository that is under Git version control has a .git/ directory where all of the configuration, hooks and history live. Within this directory you will find a .git/config file which is the “local” configuration for that repository. Configuration options defined locally over-ride global configuration options.

There are two ways of modifying either the global or local configuration, using the Command Line git config <options> or by editing either the global (~/.gitconfig) or local (git/config) files.

git config

The git config command has a host of options that you can view with the --help flag. The first required option says what file should be modified and is typically either global or local. You can view the configuration with git config --list and you can optional restrict it to either the --global or --local configuration.


git config --list
git config --list --local
git config --list --global

Adding values requires a bit of understanding about the structure of the configuration file, a very simple example is shown below.


 email =
 name = A N Other
 editor = nano
 sshCommand = ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -F /dev/null
 attributesFile = $HOME/.gitattributes
 autocrlf = input
 excludesfile = ~/dotfiles/git/.gitignore

Sections are in square brackets with names, e.g. [user] or [core]. Fields then have key and value pairs e.g. the name value is set to A N Other the email address is and the editor is set to nano and so forth.

To modify values you need to know the section and the key you want to change, these are combined to give the third argument and you then provide the value you want it to be as the fourth argument. For example to change the email address in the global configuration you would.


git config --global


You can always lookup the location of configuration options using the following command which shows the file in which each configuration is set as the first column of output.


git config --list --show-origin --show-scope

Editing config files

You can also edit both the local (.git/config) and global (~/.gitconfig) files directly to set configuration options and this can at times be much quicker.

For example if we wanted to configure Git so that the order in which branches are listed is by the most recent commit we could add the following to our ~/.gitconfig using nano, which will result in branches being listed in reverse chronological order when you git branch --list.


    sort = -commiterdate

Challenge 1

Add the fields user and email to the github section of your global configuration setting them to your GitHub username and your registered email address.


git config --global github.user ns-rse
git config --global

You could alternatively edit the ~/.gitconfig file directly and add the following lines


    user = ns-rse
    email =


A very useful configuration option available is the ability to set aliases for Git. This means you can create short cuts to complex commands. Aliases live under the [alias] section of the global (.gitconfig) or local (.git/config) configuration files. They can be set at the command line with git config --[global|local] alias.<shortcut> <command> .

If you wanted to save a few key strokes and set sw as an alias for switch globally you would.


git config --global alias.sw switch

Or if you want to unstage files that are currently staged you can set an unstage alias using the following where the command you wish to add is put in quotes so the shell doesn’t think they are arguments to the command and treats them as a string.

As with other configuration options you can also edit the configuration files directly to add the commands.

Challenge 2 - Set a   git log alias

git log shows the history of commits on the current branch, but its default is quite verbose. Fortunately there are a lot of options to modify the output adding colour, shortening dates and including a graph. You can see all the options in the manual (git log --help). For this exercise add the following set of log options to an alias of your choice (this course uses logp but you are free to set it to whatever you want, e.g. lp)


log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %C(green)%ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short --graph

You can set the alias logp to the above git log options by editing ~/.gitconfig and adding the following


    logp = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %C(green)%ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short --graph

You could also set this alias at the command line


git config --global alias.logp 'log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %C(green)%ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short --graph'


The .gitignore file does exactly what you might expect it to, it contains lists of directories and files that should be ignored. To save having to write out the path to each and every file the format accepts patterns. This file, like many others uses # as a comment, to use a # in a file name you therefore need to escape it with the \ slash. A * matches anything but slashes and leading/trailing ** match all directories (leading) or everything within a directory (trailing). For more details

A common set of files you may want to ignore is the .DS_Store directory that Mac OSX automatically generates in most directories. Just as you can exclude files you can list directories so add that to the .gitignore in the python-maths repository now. Navigate to the directory and open the file using nano and add the following line.



It is often sensible to ensure data files are not included in your repository. What these files might be depends on how you are working, common formats are .csv for text files .RData for files from R and .pkl are the Python pickles.

GitHub has a useful feature when you create a repository to include template .gitignore files for specific languages, but if you missed out this step you can always use the .gitignore generator to generate files to be ignored and copy and paste these in.

The .gitignore file is part of the repository and is itself version controlled, this means that its rules are applied consistently across anyone who works on the project or a fork of it (since forks may end up making contributions up-stream). You therefore have to remember to stage and commit changes to the file just as you would other files in the repository.

Challenge 3

In your pairs exclude files with the extension .csv and .pkl from being added to the python-maths project by adding the appropriate pattern to the .gitignore file on a new branch and merge it into the main branch via a pull-request, assigning it to the other person for review.

The following lines to .gitignore will ignore all files with the extensions .csv and .pkl. The wildcard symbol * is required to ensure any file, no matter what comes before the extension is ignored.



Staging and committing, then pushing to GitHub


git switch main
git pull
git switch -c ns-rse/ignore-csv-pkl
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "chore: Ignoring .csv and .pkl files"
git push

Pull requests are created on GitHub.


When undertaking Pull Requests on GitHub there is the ability to toggle between two different views of the differences. The standard view shows the changes line-by-line and looks like the following where the deleted lines are started with - signs and may well be in red and the added lines are started with + and may well be in green. Changes within a line are reflected as a deletion and addition.


@@ -1861,12 +1862,18 @@ tree -afhD -L 2 main/

 Each branch can have a worktree added for it and then when you want to switch between them its is simply a case of
-`cd`ing into the worktree (/branch) you wish to work on. You use Git commands within the directory to apply them to that
-branch and Git keeps track of everything in the usual manner.
+`cd`ing into the worktree (/branch) you wish to work on. You use Git commands within the worktree directory to apply
+them to that branch and Git keeps track of everything in the usual manner.

-Lets create two worktree's, the `contributing` and `citation` we created above when working with branches.
+Lets create two worktree's, the `contributing` and `citation` we created above when working with branches. If you didn't
+already follow along the above steps do so now.

Its a matter of personal preference but it can sometimes be easier to look at differences in the split view that difftastic provides, the same changes above using the split view are shown below.


1862                                                                            1863
1863 Each branch can have a worktree added for it and then when you want to swi 1864 Each branch can have a worktree added for it and then when you want to swi
.... tch between them its is simply a case of                                   .... tch between them its is simply a case of
1864 `cd`ing into the worktree (/branch) you wish to work on. You use Git comma 1865 `cd`ing into the worktree (/branch) you wish to work on. You use Git comma
.... nds within the directory to apply them to that                             .... nds within the worktree directory to apply
1865 branch and Git keeps track of everything in the usual manner.              1866 them to that branch and Git keeps track of everything in the usual manner.
1866                                                                            1867
....                                                                            1868 ###
1867 Lets create two worktree's, the `contributing` and `citation` we created a 1869 Lets create two worktree's, the `contributing` and `citation` we created a
.... bove when working with branches.                                           .... bove when working with branches. If you didn't
....                                                                            1870 already follow along the above
steps do so now.

Challenge 4

Install difftastic on your computer and configure Git globally to use it.

Hint There are instructions on the website.

The instructions show the configuration options you can add to ~/.gitconfig to setup an alias for git dft which uses difftastic. The following in your .gitconfig will set that up.

        tool = difftastic

        prompt = false

[difftool "difftastic"]
        cmd = difft "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"

        difftool = true
# `git dft` is less to type than `git difftool`.
        dft = difftool

Atomic Commits

The idea of atomic commits is that they are small self-contained commits focused on one issue, all the changes are typically in a small subset of files, e.g. only the a particular module and its associated test file. But you may have learnt to make lots of small commits frequently and so you’re history may look like.


git log --oneline
  0d2f520 Correct spelling
  325d038 Document function xyz
  86d7633 Add docstring to function xyz
  a58d6e7 Fix function xyz to pass tests
  9429ab4 Add test for function xyz
  bb560b0 Add function xyz

Here six commits have been made for adding the xyz function, writing tests that pass, adding docstrings to the function and correcting some spelling mistakes. But all of these pertain to one issue that will have been written up on the projects issues and as the work is self-contained and we’ve not added to any other files they could be a single commit.

Git has a few functions to help here and we’ll go through those.

We’ll use the python-maths repository as an example and will make a new branch to add a file to.


cd pytest-maths
git switch -c amend-fixup-tutorial
  Switched to a new branch 'amend-fixup-tutorial'

We now add a simple file to the repository.


echo "# Contributing\n\nContributions via pull requests are welcome." >
git add
git commit -m "docs: Adding"


git logp
  01191a2 (HEAD -> amend-fixup-tutorial) Adding

Making Amends

Sometimes you will have made a commit and you realise that you want to add more to it or perhaps you forgot to run your test suite and find that on running it your tests fail so you need to make a correction. In this example we want to be more explicit about how to make contributions and let people know they should fork the branch.


echo "\nPlease make a fork of this repository, make your changes and open a Pull Request." >>

Now you could make a second commit…


git add -u && git commit -m "docs: Ask for PRs via fork in"


git logp
9f0655b (HEAD -> amend-fixup-tutorial) Ask for PRs via fork in
01191a2 Adding

…and there is nothing wrong with that. However, Git history can get long and complicated when there are lots of small commits, because these two changes to are essentially the same piece of work then If we’d been thinking clearly we would have written about making forks in the first place and made a single commit.

Fortunately Git can help here as there is the git commit --amend option which adds the staged changes to the last commit and allows you to edit the last commit message (if nothing is currently staged then you will be prompted to edit the last commit message). We can undo the last commit using git reset HEAD~1 (more on resetting later) and instead amend the first commit that added the


git reset HEAD~1
git add -u
git commit --amend


git logp
  4fda15f (HEAD -> amend-fixup-tutorial) Adding
# Contributing

Contributions via pull requests are welcome.

Please make a fork of this repository, make your changes and open a Pull Request.

We now have one commit which contains the new file with all the changes we wished to have in the file in the first place and our Git history is slightly more compact.

git commit --fixup

Amending commits is great providing the commit you want to change is the last commit you made (i.e. HEAD). But sometimes you might wish to correct a commit further back in your history and git commit --amend is of no use here. Git has a solution though in the form of git commit --fixup command which allows you to mark a commit as being a “fix up” of an older commit. These can then be autosquashed via an interactive Git rebase.

Let’s add a few empty commits to our amend-fixup-tutorial branch to so we can do this.


git commit --allow-empty -m "Empty commit for demonstration purposes"
git commit --allow-empty -m "Another empty commit for demonstration purposes"


git logp
  8061221 (HEAD -> amend-fixup-tutorial) Another empty commit for demonstration purposes
  65587ce Empty commit for demonstration purposes
  4fda15f Adding
  35aa48c Previous commit before adding

And let’s expand our file further.


echo "\nPlease note this repository uses [pre-commit]( to lint the Python code and Markdown files." >>

We want to merge this commit with the first one we made in this tutorial using git commit --fixup. To do this we need to know the hash (4fda15f see output from above git logp). You then use git commit --fixup <hash> to commit your changes as a “fixup” of the earlier commit.


git add -u
git commit --fixup 4fda15f

We see the commit we have just made starts with fixup! and is then followed by the commit message that it is fixing, but it hasn’t yet been combined into that commit.


git log --oneline
  97711a4 (HEAD -> amend-fixup-tutorial) fixup! Adding
  8061221 Another empty commit for demonstration purposes
  65587ce Empty commit for demonstration purposes
  4fda15f Adding
  35aa48c Previous commit before adding

The final step is to perform the automatic squashing via an interactive rebase. You need to supply the hash of the commit before the one you are fixing up, in this case 35aa48c (check the output of git logp if you haven’t made a note of this).


git rebase -i --autosquash 4fda15f

This will open the default editor and because the --autosquash option has been used it should have marked the commits that need combining with fixup. All you have to do is save the file and exit and we can check the history and look at the contents of the file.

NB If you find that the necessary commit isn’t already marked navigate then you are likely to have supplied the wrong hash (most probably the hash of the commit your wish to fixup rather than the commit before it).


git logp
  0fda21e (HEAD -> amend-fixup-tutorial) Another empty commit for demonstration purposes
  65587ce Empty commit for demonstration purposes
  4fda15f Adding
  35aa48c Previous commit before adding

  # Contributing

  Contributions via pull requests are welcome.

  Please make a fork of this repository, make your changes and open a Pull Request.

  Please note this repository uses [pre-commit]( to lint the Python code and Markdown files.

And you’re all done! If you were doing this for real on a repository you would now git push or continue your work. As this was just an example we can switch branches back to main and force deletion of the branch we created.


git switch main
git branch -D amend-fixup-tutorial

Challenge 4

In your pairs there are two issue templates in the python-math repository that you are using.

  • 03 Zero Division Amend and Fixup
  • 04 Square Root Amend and Fixup

Create and assign one of these each and work through the stages. The tasks build on material already covered e.g. creating and switching branches and conventions for naming branches and rebasing. Solutions to each step are provided but try not to use them instead you can use your history to check what commands you have used.

The instructions should have guided you through.

On the main branch of your python-maths repository the divide function in pythonmaths/ should look like the following with four examples.


def divide(x: int | float, y: int | float) -> float:
    Divide x by y.

    x : int | float
        Numerator for division.
    y : int | float
        Denominator for division.

        The result of dividing `x` by `y`.

    >>> from python_math import arithmetic
    >>> arithmetic.divide(10, 2)
    >>> arithmetic.divide(5, 2)
    >>> arithmetic.divide(3, 0)
        You can not divide by 0, please choose another value for 'y'.
    >>> arithmetic.divide(1, 0.1)
    return x / y

The square_root function should look like the following.


def square_root(x):
    """Return the square root of a number.

    x : int | float
        The number for which you wish to find the square root.

        The square root of x.

    >>> from python_math import arithmetic
    >>> arithmetic.square_root(4)
    >>> arithmetic.square_root(169)
    if x < 0:
        print("WARNING : you have supplied a negative number, the square root is complex.")
    return (x) ** (1 / 2)

git absorb

Rather than having to look up commit hashes or work out how many commits back you need to go to pass as an argument to --fixup you can instead use the git-absorb extension that works out what commits changes to each file being fixed up need rebasing and with the --and-rebase flag it will automatically perform the squashing rebase.

The steps involved then become much shorter with.


git add -u
git absorb --and-rebase

By default git absorb will search the last 10 commits but this can be configured at runtime using the --base flag to specify the last commit to check or by adapting the configuration file.

Squashing commits

If you don’t want to use git-absorb and you forgot to use git commit --fixup you can still combine commits using an interactive rebase git rebase -i. We’ve already touched on git rebase in the context of keeping branches up-to-date but its a very flexible and powerful component of Git and it also allows you to “squash” commits on the same branch.

We will now make a few commits to our branch and then squash them via an interactive rebase. This helps keep commits that you will merge into main atomic since even if you’ve been using git commit --amend to sequentially update a commit you may still have several commits on a branch which can be combined into a single informative commit that is ready for merging into the main branch.

Returning to the python-maths repository we will make a series of empty commits on a new branch and then undertake an interactive rebase to squash them.


git switch -c test-rebase
git commit --allow-empty -m "Commit 1"
git commit --allow-empty -m "Commit 2"
git commit --allow-empty -m "Commit 3"
git commit --allow-empty -m "Commit 4"
git commit --allow-empty -m "Commit 5"
git logp

To squash these commits we need to know the hash or relative reference to the first commit we wish to interact with which the git log command does (if you set the gl alias earlier you can use that)


git logp
c33ab51 (HEAD -> test-rebase) Commit 5
f7bb1c9 Commit 4
d47d914 Commit 3
e859738 Commit 2
c437414 Commit 1
2f7c382 (origin/main) Merge pull request #6 from ns-rse/ns-rse/tidy-print
a1101c7 [] Fixing issues with pre-commit

The hash of the first commit we want to squash is c437414 or HEAD~5) but you need to include it. We start a rebase with git rebase -i c437414 which will open our default editor.


pick c437414 Commit 1 # empty
pick e859738 Commit 2 # empty
pick d47d914 Commit 3 # empty
pick f7bb1c9 Commit 4 # empty
pick c33ab51 Commit 5 # empty

# Rebase c437414..c33ab51 onto c437414 (4 commands)
# Commands:
# p, pick <commit> = use commit
# r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup [-C | -c] <commit> = like "squash" but keep only the previous
#                    commit's log message, unless -C is used, in which case
#                    keep only this commit's message; -c is same as -C but
#                    opens the editor
# x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue')
# d, drop <commit> = remove commit
# l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name
# t, reset <label> = reset HEAD to a label
# m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]
#         create a merge commit using the original merge commit's
#         message (or the oneline, if no original merge commit was
#         specified); use -c <commit> to reword the commit message
# u, update-ref <ref> = track a placeholder for the <ref> to be updated
#                       to this position in the new commits. The <ref> is
#                       updated at the end of the rebase
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.

The instructions here are really useful and tell us how to edit the rebase. The first line tells us that we are rebasing the range of commits onto c437414. Subsequently there is a list of commands, by default pick is in place for each of the commits, but we are shown the available options and simply need to replace each of the pick with s or squash and we want to apply it to commits two through to 5.

You can do this manually by editing the file or you can use your editors find and replace functionality which in nano is Ctrl + \ and you will be prompted for the string you want to find (pick) and what you want to replace it with squash and then asked if you want to change the first instance or all. We can safely change all as it doesn’t matter if the instances in the comments section are replaced. The first four rows of the file should now read like the following.


pick   c437414 Commit 1 # empty
squash e859738 Commit 2 # empty
squash d47d914 Commit 3 # empty
squash f7bb1c9 Commit 4 # empty
squash c33ab51 Commit 5 # empty

Save this file and exit (in nano use Ctrl + o then Ctrl + x), the editor will exit return you to the prompt and then in the blink of an eye open the editor again with a different message. This is now your opportunity to edit the commit message for the single commit that will remain in the tree, as the notes show. Any lines starting with a # are comments and will be ignored but this is very useful as it saves you having to re-write all the text across the commits and you can instead edit them.


# This is a combination of 5 commits.
# This is the 1st commit message:

Commit 1

# This is the commit message #2:

Commit 2

# This is the commit message #3:

Commit 3

# This is the commit message #4:

Commit 4

# This is the commit message #5:

Commit 5

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Date:      Fri Mar 8 14:39:47 2024 +0000
# interactive rebase in progress; onto 2f7c382
# Last commands done (5 commands done):
#    squash f7bb1c9 Commit 4 # empty
#    squash c33ab51 Commit 5 # empty
# No commands remaining.
# You are currently rebasing branch 'main' on '2f7c382'.
# No changes

Edit the file to read how you want it to, here I’ve gone with the following to make it clearly


Squash of empty commits 1-5

This is an example of how to squash commits and combines the original commits...

+ Commit 1
+ Commit 2
+ Commit 3
+ Commit 4
+ Commit 5

When done save and exit (in nano use Ctrl + O then Ctrl + X). You should be informed the rebase was successful and if you look at the plain git log your commit message will be there at the top in all its glory.


git rebase -i 2f7c382
[detached HEAD 2a0c155] Squash of empty commits 1-5
 Date: Fri Mar 8 14:39:47 2024 +0000
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/main.

git log

commit 2a0c1551039f8fd43af74656a6150e71254c6669 (HEAD -> main)
Author: Neil Shephard <>
Date:   2024-03-08 14:39:47 +0000

    Squash of empty commits 1-5

    This is an example of how to squash commits and combines the original commits...

    + Commit 1
    + Commit 2
    + Commit 3
    + Commit 4
    + Commit 5

commit 2f7c3826b310269b06dd86cca930bdd767ad9fbf (origin/main)
Merge: feee987 a1101c7
Author: Neil Shephard <>
Date:   2024-03-07 16:07:06 +0000

    Merge pull request #6 from ns-rse/ns-rse/tidy-print


When squashing commits they do not have to be contiguous, you can pick and choose any combination. Commits that are prefixed with pick will remain in the Git history.

Re-writing History - With Great Power

…comes great scope for messing things up!

The --amend, --fixup and rebase -i commands we have worked through are powerful tools, in effect they are re-writing the Git history that is shown in the git log. You may have noticed that the commit hashes change when using these commands.

If you have pushed your work to GitHub and then use any of these commands to change the history of your branch locally the two will differ and Git will complain and tell you that you need to git pull first. If you know you want to push the changes you can force them to be pushed using git push --force-with-lease, however you should be very careful doing so in some situations.


If anyone else has git pull the branch or if the changes have been merged into main (or another branch) using these commands then git push --force will cause a lot of headaches so make sure no one else is working on your branches and don’t force push to branches that have already been merged.

--force-with-lease offers some protection against the problems that can arise and --force-if-includes help catch if you haven’t git pull any changes that may be on the origin.

The following resources are highly recommended reading on this topic.

Keep things tidy

Overtime the information about branches and commits can become bloated. We’ve seen how to delete branches already but there are a few other simple steps we can take to help keep the repository clean.


git maintenance is a really useful command that will “Run tasks to optimize Git repository data, speeding up other Git commands and reducing storage requirements for the repository.”. The details of what this does are beyond the scope of this tutorial (refer to the help page if interested). Providing you have setup your GitHub account with SSH keys and they are available via something such as keychain locally then you can bring a repository under git maintenance and forget about it.


git mainetenance register

This adds entries to your global configuration (~/.gitconfig) to ensure the repository will have these tasks run at the scheduled point (default is hourly).

Conventional Commits

You may have noticed in many of the commit messages used so far a keyword is used to start the commit followed by a colon. This is an example of Conventional Commits which are a standardised way of writing commit messages that, as with the branch naming convention suggested earlier, include metadata about what the commit relates to.

There are keywords to start your commit message with that are self-explanatory

  • fix:
  • feat: - short for future
  • build:
  • chore:
  • ci:
  • docs:
  • style:
  • refactor:
  • perf: - short for performance
  • test:

If changes relate to a specific component or “scope” of a repository that can be included in parentheses afterwards. For example the Zero Division issue in python-maths relates to the artihmatic module so might be started with fix(arithmetic).

You don’t have to use Conventional Commits but do try and use informative titles and add more detail if needs be to your commit messages. You don’t want your history to look like this…

XKCD Git Commit

Key Points

  • Global configuration is via .gitconfig
  • Local configuration is via .git/config and takes precedence over Global.
  • Configuration can be done at the command line or by editing files.
  • Ignore files using .gitignore.
  • Make commits atomic, i.e. small and focused using git commit --amend and git commit --fixup, better still make life easier using git absorb.
  • git rebase --interactive can be used to squash commits.
  • Keeping the commit history atomic and clean makes it easier to understand what work has been undertaken.
  • Git periodically tidies things up for you with git gc.
  • You can and should enable further automated cleaning by enabling git mainenance on a repository.

Content from Branching

Last updated on 2024-05-23 | Edit this page



  • What are branches?
  • How do we use branches in git effectively?
  • How can I check out other peoples branches whilst working on my own?
  • How do I keep my development branch up-to-date with main?


  • How branches can be used to fix bugs or develop features in isolation.
  • Switching branches, stashing and restoring.
  • How to keep a development branch up-to-date.
  • Differences between and when to use merge and rebase.
  • Git worktrees instead of branches.
  • Tracking multiple origins


Branches are key to working with version control as they allow the development of new features or fixing of bugs without touching the current working version of code. New features and bug fixes are then merged into the main branch to update the code base, but what is a branch?

The word suggests an analogy with trees where branches are parts of a tree the extend from the “main” trunk or recursively from parent “branches”. An intuitive model of this is shown in the figure below.

Basic GitHub Branches with the `main` branch showing five commits and a `branch` forking off at the third commit with two commits of its own
Basic GitHub Branches

The branch has two commits on it and stems from the parent main at a point referred to as base. A branch is not just the two commits that appear to exist on it (i.e. 3-8c52dce and 5-2315fa0) rather it is the full commit history of that lineage including the commits in the “parent”. That means the branch consists of the commits 0-472f101, 1-98f9a30 and 2-6769ff2 as well as 3-8c52dce and 5-2315fa0.

In a repository that is version controlled you will typically be checked out on the HEAD of a named branch. The HEAD means the most recent commit in the history of that branch which on the branch is commit 5-2315fa0 whilst on main the HEAD is 6-93e787c.

You can change branches by using git switch <branchname>.


git switch was introduced in Git v2.23.0 along with git restore to provide two separate commands for the functionality that was originally available in git checkout. The main reason was to separate the functionality of git checkout which could “switch” branches, including creating branches using the --branch/-b flag, and change (“restore”) individual files with git checkout [treeish] -- <filename> (more on this later).

Splitting this functionality means that git switch is solely for switching branches whilst git restore is solely concerned with restoreing files but is destructive and we will cover later the git revert command as an alternative.

git checkout has not been deprecated and is still available and many people still use it as old habits die hard.

Challenge 1: What is the first and last commit on branch divide?

Using the python-maths repository you have cloned look up the first and last commit of the divide branch.

What are the commit hashes, commit messages, date/time and committers names?


git switch divide
git log --pretty="%h %ad (%cr) %x09 %an : %s"
* 6353fb4 - (HEAD -> divide, origin/divide) bug: Fix tpyo in divide function (2024-03-26 10:28:36 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 7485e56 - chore: Fix merge conflict (2024-03-26 10:28:11 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* adfef4d - feat: Divide branch (2024-03-25 15:55:15 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 400896a - Divide branch (2024-03-25 15:55:15 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* c1f64b0 - Setting up the repository for git-collaboration (2024-02-02 15:48:50 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
*   fa76751 - (origin/main, main) Merge pull request #6 from RSE-Sheffield/ns-rse/5-setup-clean-up (2023-10-19 22:46:14 +0100) <Neil Shephard>
| * c8f0697 - 5 | Removing comment from setup.cfg (2022-10-04 11:12:23 +0100) <Neil Shephard>
* |   aff8153 - Merge pull request #7 from RSE-Sheffield/subtract-mistake (2023-01-20 10:07:58 +0000) <bobturneruk>
|\ \
| |/
| * a45a8dd - introduce mistake in subtract issue (2023-01-20 09:50:03 +0000) <Robert (Bob) Turner>
| * 604a397 - introduce delibarate mistake (2022-12-21 10:29:34 +0000) <Robert (Bob) Turner>
*   f06c0ab - Merge pull request #4 from RSE-Sheffield/simplify_deliberate_errors (2022-06-07 14:58:27 +0100) <David Wilby>
| * f55c0d2 - remove missing colon and no newline deliberate errors (2022-05-06 11:50:24 +0100) <David Wilby>
* 5c9ae75 - correct python testing instruction (2021-05-18 16:15:23 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 86d7633 - add correct details to each issue (2021-05-18 16:01:50 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* a58d6e7 - add all github issue templates (2021-05-17 13:43:57 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 9429ab4 - complete subtract issue template (2021-05-14 15:53:25 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* bb560b0 - simplify function (2021-05-14 15:53:01 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
*   325d038 - Merge pull request #1 from RSE-Sheffield/tests_changes (2021-05-14 14:40:36 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
| * 608ad59 - Restructure so tests pass (2021-05-14 12:24:23 +0100) <Will Furnass>
* 8584b0f - correct pull request branch spec (2021-05-14 12:45:21 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* cdc9ea3 - correct push branch specification (2021-05-14 12:40:01 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* c01ff62 - add instructions to README (2021-05-14 12:38:29 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 585287a - add test and CI (2021-05-14 12:38:09 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 3f4d54b - rename python_package folder (2021-05-14 12:37:48 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 4b1707b - use requirements.txt instead of env.yml (2021-05-14 10:04:02 +0100) <davidwilby>
* 2556966 - remove build specs from conda env (2021-05-14 10:01:28 +0100) <davidwilby>
* b50e658 - move env.yml to right place.. (2021-05-14 09:54:59 +0100) <davidwilby>
*   0d2f520 - Merge branch 'main' of into main (2021-05-14 09:53:44 +0100) <davidwilby>
| * b1179a7 - add package name folder (2021-05-14 11:33:06 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* | c883789 - add conda environment yaml (2021-05-14 09:53:06 +0100) <davidwilby>
* fdb8716 - draft commit (2021-05-14 11:23:42 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 328e61b - Add subtraction issue template (2021-05-13 12:23:42 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 31a4a93 - Initial commit (2021-05-13 12:14:08 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>

From the git log graph we see the first and last commits were.

Commit Hash Message Date/time Committer
First 31a4a93 Initial commit 2021-05-13 12:14:08 Anna Krystalli
Last 6353fb4 bug: Fix tpyo in divide function 2024-03-26 10:28:36 Neil Shephard

Challenge 2: What commit did the   multiply   branch diverge from   master  ?

Again using the python-maths repository switch to the multiply. Use git log what is the commit that multiply diverged from master. How many commits have been made on the multiply branch?


git switch multiply
git log --graph --pretty="%h %ad (%cr) %x09 %an : %s"
* b702501 - (HEAD -> multiply, origin/multiply) bug: multiply instead of add arguments (2024-03-26 10:33:37 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 11e36a3 - feat: Adding multiply function and tests (2024-03-26 10:32:42 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* c1f64b0 - Setting up the repository for git-collaboration (2024-02-02 15:48:50 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
*   fa76751 - (origin/main, main) Merge pull request #6 from RSE-Sheffield/ns-rse/5-setup-clean-up (2023-10-19 22:46:14 +0100) <Neil Shephard>
| * c8f0697 - 5 | Removing comment from setup.cfg (2022-10-04 11:12:23 +0100) <Neil Shephard>
* |   aff8153 - Merge pull request #7 from RSE-Sheffield/subtract-mistake (2023-01-20 10:07:58 +0000) <bobturneruk>
|\ \
| |/
| * a45a8dd - introduce mistake in subtract issue (2023-01-20 09:50:03 +0000) <Robert (Bob) Turner>
| * 604a397 - introduce delibarate mistake (2022-12-21 10:29:34 +0000) <Robert (Bob) Turner>
*   f06c0ab - Merge pull request #4 from RSE-Sheffield/simplify_deliberate_errors (2022-06-07 14:58:27 +0100) <David Wilby>
| * f55c0d2 - remove missing colon and no newline deliberate errors (2022-05-06 11:50:24 +0100) <David Wilby>
* 5c9ae75 - correct python testing instruction (2021-05-18 16:15:23 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 86d7633 - add correct details to each issue (2021-05-18 16:01:50 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* a58d6e7 - add all github issue templates (2021-05-17 13:43:57 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 9429ab4 - complete subtract issue template (2021-05-14 15:53:25 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* bb560b0 - simplify function (2021-05-14 15:53:01 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
*   325d038 - Merge pull request #1 from RSE-Sheffield/tests_changes (2021-05-14 14:40:36 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
| * 608ad59 - Restructure so tests pass (2021-05-14 12:24:23 +0100) <Will Furnass>
* 8584b0f - correct pull request branch spec (2021-05-14 12:45:21 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* cdc9ea3 - correct push branch specification (2021-05-14 12:40:01 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* c01ff62 - add instructions to README (2021-05-14 12:38:29 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 585287a - add test and CI (2021-05-14 12:38:09 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 3f4d54b - rename python_package folder (2021-05-14 12:37:48 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 4b1707b - use requirements.txt instead of env.yml (2021-05-14 10:04:02 +0100) <davidwilby>
* 2556966 - remove build specs from conda env (2021-05-14 10:01:28 +0100) <davidwilby>
* b50e658 - move env.yml to right place.. (2021-05-14 09:54:59 +0100) <davidwilby>
*   0d2f520 - Merge branch 'main' of into main (2021-05-14 09:53:44 +0100) <davidwilby>
| * b1179a7 - add package name folder (2021-05-14 11:33:06 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* | c883789 - add conda environment yaml (2021-05-14 09:53:06 +0100) <davidwilby>
* fdb8716 - draft commit (2021-05-14 11:23:42 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 328e61b - Add subtraction issue template (2021-05-13 12:23:42 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>
* 31a4a93 - Initial commit (2021-05-13 12:14:08 +0300) <Anna Krystalli>

This is a little more challenging to interpret but reading the output carefully we have an indicator of where the origin/main branch is where it reads (origin/main, main). All subsequent commits are on the currently checked out branch which is multiply and origin/multiply (i.e. the local copy of the branch is at the same point as the remote on GitHub).

Knowing this we can see that the multiply branch diverged from the fa76751 commit on main and that three commits have been made on the multiply branch.

Working with Branches

The git switch command is the common method for working with branches. It allows you to list, create and delete branches along with a few other tasks.

To list the branches that are available you can just type git branch or optionally include the --list option. In the python-maths repository you have cloned you should see a number of branches listed. The branch you are currently checked out on is listed first with an asterisk (* )at the start and they are listed alphabetically. Later we will change the default order to be more informative.


git branch

* multiply

Creating Branches

You can create a new branch using git switch -c <new_branch>. By default it will use the branch you currently have checked out as a basis for the new branch. If you wish to use a different branch as a basis you can do so by including its name before the name of the new branch.


Most of the time when creating branches you should do so from the main branch. It is therefore important to make sure your local copy of the main branch is up-to-date. Before creating a branch you should checkout the main branch and ensure it is up-to-date.


git switch main
git pull

This means you can omit the explicit statement of which branch you wish to use as the basis for the new branch, typically main, when creating it as you will be already be checked out on that branch when git pull.

To create a new branch called ns-rse/test you can use the following.


git switch main
git pull
git switch -c main ns-rse/test

Git will use the current HEAD of the main branch as a basis for creating the ns-rse/test branch.

Naming Branches

Branch names can not include spaces, you should use underscores or dashes instead. You can include some special characters too but I would avoid using # as this is the character used by most shells to indicate a comment and you would therefore have to always double quote the branch name at the command line.

A useful convention when creating branches is to include some meta data about who owns the branch and what it is for and to construct the branch name from your GitHub/GitLab username followed by a / and because you will typically be working on a particular issue include the issue number followed by a short few words which describe the work or issue. For example GitHub user ns-rse working on issue 1 to fix typehints might create a branch called ns-rse/1-fix-typehints from main.

This structure is informative as it provides other people you collaborate with or who look at the repository an indication of who created the branch, what issue they are working on and a very short indication of what it is concerned about. With this information it is very easy to look up the relevant Issue.

Challenge 3: Assign Issues, Create Branches and Complete the Tasks

In the python-maths repository you have cloned and setup on GitHub there are issue templates.

In your pairs assign the 01 Add zero division exception and test to one person and the 02 Add a square root function and test to the other person.

Work through the tasks adding the necessary code, saving, staging and committing your changes then pushing to origin (GitHub). NB only the first issue for zero division should have a Pull Request created, please do not create a pull request or merge the Square Root work.

Assign the person who worked on the Square root function to review the Zero Division exception and if everything looks good merge the pull request.


git switch main
git switch -c main ns-rse/1-zero-divide-exception
git add -u
git commit -m "Add Zero division exception and test"
git push --set-upstream origin ns-rse/1-zero-divide-exception


git switch main
git pull
git switch -c ns-rse/2-square-root
git add -u
git commit -m "Adds square root function"

Deleting branches

Branches are typically short lived as they are created to address small focused pieces of work such as fixing a bug or implementing a new feature before being merged into the main branch. Over time you will accrue a number of redundant, out-dated branches and it is therefore good practice to delete unwanted branches after they have been merged.

You can not delete a branch you currently have checked out so you must first checkout an alternative branch. Typically this would be the main branch after your Pull Request has been merged and the changes you were working on have been incorporated. You should git pull the main branch after merging changes so your locally copy is aware of any recent merges from branches you are about to delete.

Challenge 4: Delete a branch

Create a throw away branch from main and then delete it (hint see git branch --help). You can create a branch with your username and throwaway (e.g. ns-rse/throwaway) with the following.


git checkout main
git pull
git switch -c ns-rse/throwaway

Pretending the branch you just created has been merged into the main branch via a Pull Request delete the now redundant branch (in this example ns-rse/throwaway).

You can use the -d or --delete flag to delete a branch.


git switch main
git branch -d ns-rse/throwaway

You can use the shortcut git switch - to switch to the last branch you were on (this is a shortcut that is common to the Bash shell when navigating directories too, cd - will change directory to the previous directory you were in).


git switch -
git branch -d ns-rse/throwaway


You were able to delete the branch you created because you hadn’t made any changes to it. If you have made changes on a branch and they have not been merged into main then Git will warn you of this and refuse to delete the branch. This can be over-ridden with the --force flag or the shorthand -D which is the same as --delete --force.


git switch -c ns-rse/throwaway
touch test_file
git add test_file
git commit -m "Adding test_file"
git switch -
git branch -d ns-rse/throwaway
error: the branch 'ns-rse/throwaway' is not fully merged
hint: If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D ns-rse/throwaway'
hint: Disable this message with "git config advice.forceDeleteBranch false"
git -D ns-rse/0-divide

Be very careful when forcing deletions, if you have not pushed your changes to the remote origin then you will lose them.

Challenge 5 : Automatically delete branches on GitHub

In your pairs navigate to the Settings page and enable the Automatically delete head branches option.

This option is on the General section of Settings page, it indicates that “Deleted branches will still be able to be restored”.

Time Travelling - Losing your HEAD

A branch is a history of commits and you can use git log to see the commit history (and customise the output so it can be easier to read), but what if you wanted to look at the state of the branch at a previous point in time? Well because Git has kept track of everything you can do that and the command to do so is the same one for switching branches i.e. git checkout which takes a “reference” as an argument. So far you have been using branch names as references but commit hashes are also references and so can be used to checkout the state of the repository in the past.

A linear Git History on the `main` branch showing the position of `HEAD`.
A linear Git History on the main branch showing the position of HEAD.

Here we have a simple linear history and the HEAD of branch is on commit 8-a80cef8 If you want to checkout commit 4-8ec389a then you would git checkout 4-8ec389a and you will see the following useful and informative warning message.


git checkout 4-8ec389a
Note: switching to 4-8ec389a'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 4-8ec389a complete subtract issue template

Have you lost your head because it is now detached? No, HEAD is just a special reference that points to a specific commit (tags are the same) and it is a short hand way of referring to a commit, what has happened is that Git has moved the commit HEAD points to from 8-a40cef8 to 4-8ec389a. If you make changes to this branch they will be lost when you switch back to the 8-a40cef8 commit and you are told you can do this with git switch -. If you want to make changes and save them you are advised to create a new branch to do so.

Challenge 6: Checkout old commits

  • Look at the history of the python-maths repository and find out who the author of commit 585287a was.
  • Checkout this commit and look at the contents of the file tests/ (you can use cat tests/
  • Switch back to HEAD has anything changed in the tests/ file?


git checkout 585287a
cat tests/

import src.python_calculator.add as add

def test_add():
    assert add.add(1, 3) == 4

git switch -
cat tests/

cat: tests/ No such file or directory

The file tests/ has an import statement and defines the test_add() function which checks if the add.add() function returns the value of 4 when given the numbers 1 and 3.

The tests/ file no longer exists on the HEAD of the main branch!


git checkout 585287a
git diff main -- tests/

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bed1ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import src.python_calculator.add as add
+def test_add():
+    assert add.add(1, 3) == 4

The file tests/ has an import statement and defines the test_add() function which checks if the add.add() function returns the value of 4 when given the numbers 1 and 3.

The tests/ file no longer exists on the HEAD of the main branch!


You are not restricted to switch to commits on the same branch you are currently on. You can checkout any commit in the history as long as you know the commit hash.

Comparing References

This is quite a convoluted way of comparing branches though and in this instance the difference is quite simple the file no longer exists, but imagine you wanted to compare a file between branches or commits without having to switch branches and try and hold in your head what the file looked like on one branch whilst you look at the other. That would probably be very challenging.

Fortunately Git can help you here with git diff. This takes one or two arguments, which are commits or references that you want to compare. If only one argument is given it compares the currently checked out commit to the supplied commit/reference.

Thus to compare the HEAD of the divide branch you would


git checkout ns-rse/1-zero-divide-exception
git diff 585287a
# Equivalent to...
git diff HEAD 585287a

Ooops! I Did It Again

Nothing to do with Brittney Spears but you are at some stage likely to commit changes to the wrong branch. This can easily happen when starting to work on an issue without first creating a new branch to contain the work and you commit the changes to either the main branch, which is often protected so you won’t be able to push your changes or the last branch you were working on.

git reset

One solution to solve this with Git is to git reset the branch to which you have just mistakenly made the commit. This removes reference to the changes from the Git history but leaves the changes to the files in place and they appear as unstaged files. It is ideal if you have only one commit you wish to undo.

Relative Refs

Normally you are working on the HEAD of a branch which is the most recent commit that has been made along with any staged, but uncommitted changes. Git has a simple way of referring to previous commits relative to HEAD using the ~ and counting backwards.

Relative references on the `main` branch with 9 commits showing the commit hash and the reference relative to the `HEAD`
Relative Refs on a Git Branch

If you want to undo the last commit then you can do this using git reset --soft HEAD~1.


touch test_file
git add test_file
git commit -m "Adding test_file"
git reset --soft HEAD~1


There are three options to git reset that influence how the changes in commits are handled these are --soft, --mixed (the default) and --hard.

For a detailed exposition of git reset see the excellent Atlassian | Git reset article.

Challenge 7: Commits on the wrong branch

  • Switch to the main branch of the pytest-maths repository.
  • Create a new file using echo "# How to Contribute to this repo" >
  • Stage and commit the file to the main branch of your repository. NB to do this you will have to disable the pre-commit checks with the -n flag.

Ooops you’ve just committed to the main branch which is protected so you can’t push your changes. Now move the commit to a new branch so you can push them.

  • Reset the change.
  • Create a new branch called <github_user>/contributing.
  • Stage and commit the file to <github_user>/contributing.

You can git reset --mixed to HEAD~1, i.e. the previous commit, which removes the file from the commit history, leaving it unstaged, then create a new branch and add it to that.


git switch main
echo "# How to Contribute to this repo" >
git add
git commit -n -m "docs: Adding contributing guideline template"
git reset --mixed HEAD~1
git switch -c ns-rse/contributing
git add
git commit -m "docs: Adding contributing guideline template"

Alternatively you can checkout the previous commit before you added the file by mistake, create the <github_user>/contributing branch, and git cherrypick the commit from main which contains the file and then remove the commit from main.


git switch main
echo "# How to Contribute to this repo" >
git add
git commit -n -m "docs: Adding contributing guideline template"
git log              # Note the commit of the mistaken hash
git revert HEAD~1    # Checkout the previous commit on the main branch
git switch -c ns-rse/contributing
git cherrypick <hash>
git switch main
git reset --hard HEAD~1

A third similar option is checkout the previous commit before you added the file by mistake, create the <github_user>/contributing branch, and copy the file from the HEAD of main using git restore and then remove the commit from main.


# TODO get commit hash of last commit
git checkout HEAD~1
git switch -c ns-rse/contributing
git restore -s main -- # Copy the file from HEAD of main branch or
git add
git commit -m "Adding contributing guideline template"
git switch -   # Switch back to main
# TODO : Complete solution and add output once sample repository is in place

NB You could also copy the file using the older git checkout main --

You then have to decide how to add the changes to a branch. If they are brand new then you can create a new branch and add them. If however they were meant to be added to an existing branch you face a slight problem as if you try to switch branches you will be told that this would over-write the changes to the files you have just modified and unstaged and you don’t want to lose your work.

The solution here is to use git stash to temporarily store the unstaged changes, switch branches to the target branch they should be on, and you can then un-stash them (known as poping) onto the correct branch.


You can set an alias to undo the last commit with


git config --global alias.undo 'reset HEAD~'

This adds the following line to the alias section of your ~/.gitconfig


    undo = reset HEAD~

git revert

git reset is destructive, you can lose work using it and it is advisable not to use it when you have more than one commit you wish to undo as you lose the intermediary work between commits as you are restored to the commit you reset to. Fortunately Git has the revert option is a non-destructive approach to undoing changes in your Git history. Instead it takes a specified commit and inverts the changes, i.e. goes back to the previous state and rather than discarding the changes it makes a new “revert” commit to record the inversion and this new “revert” commit becomes the HEAD of the branch. git revert has to have a reference in order to work, whether that is absolute (i.e. a hash) or relative.


The differences between reset and revert is that one (reset) is destructive and loses changes the other (revert) undoes the changes and makes a new commit recording these changes.

Be very careful when forcing deletions, if you have not pushed your changes to the remote origin then you will lose them.

Switching Branches during Work in Progress

Sometimes you will be doing some work and a colleague will ask you to review a pull request or help them with a problem they have on their branch. When performing pull request reviews it can be quite common to run tests to check everything passes if you don’t have Continuous Integration doing this automatically for you (we will come to that in another episode).

But there is a challenge, in order to switch branches you have to stage and commit all changes to tracked files.


git switch branch2
echo "Please feel free to contribute to this repository" >>
git add
git commit -m "Adding"
echo "\nPlease don't break my repository though!" >>
git switch main

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.

Whilst you could commit your changes and subsequently git commit --amend (more on this in the next episode) there is another option.

git stash

git stash allows you to save your current changes in a temporary location and then reverts to the last commit (HEAD) and allows you to move about to other branches and undertake work. There are lots of options to git stash but the basics are pretty straight-forward. You start by git stash push (the push is actually optional) and you can include a --message that explains what the stash contains, you are told if this has worked and on what branch the stash was made and can then switch branches, pull down changes, create a new branch and do something different.

1. Stash


git stash --message " WIP"
Saved working directory and index state On branch2: WIP

2. Switch to main and create branch3


git switch main
# If this weren't a dummy example you might git pull
git switch -c branch3

Undertake the work that is required on branch3.

3. Return to branch2

When you have finished this other work you can return to branch2 and pop the stash back. To see what stashes there are you can use git stash list


git stash list
stash@{0}: On branch2: WIP

4. pop the last stash

When you are ready to restore the work you can do so using git stash pop which by default will restore the last stash.


git stash pop
On branch branch2
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (13c8c6fb23f9fcdd884b4528356db37527c9b3e4)

The changes to and the corresponding entry are removed from the stash list.

Multiple Stashes

Over time though you may collect multiple stashes.

1. Make two stashes

We stash, the last message is reused by default, then we add and stash it with a different message.


git stash --message " WIP"
echo "Yet another file" >
git add
git stash --message "Stashing file"

stash@{0}: On branch2: Stashing file
stash@{1}: WIP on branch2: a8b6f5f Adding

2. Pop the stash

There are now two stashes each with different names.

You may not want to restore the work stashed with the commit message Stashing file but rather restore the earlier Adding work first. You can do this by referring to the number associated with the stash that is within the curly braces. For the Adding this is 1.


git stash pop 1

On branch branch2
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Dropped refs/stash@{1} (dd538beb8f14590f720e9b9f677ba7381240bd92)

Only the file has been restored and not the

Challenge 7: Stashing

Working in your pairs on the python-maths repository…

  1. Create a contributing branch.
  2. Create a with echo "# Contributing\n\nContributions to this repository are welcome via Pull Requests." >
  3. Do not add and commit, instead git stash your changes.
  4. Switch to the main branch and create a citation branch.
  5. Add a basic CITATION.cff with echo "cff-version: 1.2.0\ntitle: Pytest Examples\ntype: software" > CITATION.cff.
  6. Add and commit this file.
  7. Unstash the file on the citation branch.
  8. Amend the previous commit to include (Hint - you need to add and commit the file).
  9. Push the changes to GitHub, create a merge request and merge the changes.
  10. Delete the branches locally (try and avoid any messages telling you there are unmerged changes).

Lets create the contributing branch


git switch -c contributing
echo "# Contributing\n\nContributions to this repository are welcome via Pull Requests." >

If we want to switch branches without making a commit but save our work in progress we stash the work and switch to main and create a new branch (citation) for and add a CITATION.cff file.


git stash -m "An example stash"
git switch main
git switch -c citation
echo "cff-version: 1.2.0\ntitle: Pytest Examples\ntype: software" > CITATION.cff
git add CITATION.cff
git commit -m "chore: Adding a CITATION.cff"

We now unstash the contributing work to this branch and commit the changes, amending the commit and push to GitHub


git pop
git add
git commit -m --amend "chore: Adding a CITATION.cff and"
git push

You should then create a Pull Request and merge it. To ensure don’t get any messages about unmerged changes when deleting the branches you should pull the changes that have been merged to main.


git switch main
git pull
git branch -d {citation, contributing}

Popping around and applying

  • You can git stash apply to pop a stash but leave it in the stash list.

There are a lot of useful things git stash can be used for. Refer to the help pages (git stash --help) for more information as well as the Further Resources.

References - a revelation

Whilst we have focused on consolidating our understanding of branches in this introductory episode there have been hints as to the true nature of branches in Git, have you worked out what this is yet?

Internally Git does not have branches at all! Branches are merely a reference to a series of commits and each commit in a “branch” references the commit prior to it. In fact everything in Git that allows us to look at the different states of the repository and move between them is a reference, whether that is a named branch, or a tag which is a relative reference. They all point to a commit.

This was a revelation that came to me as I wrote the material for this Episode and thought it worth sharing.

Key Points

  • Branches and how they relate to each other are fundamental to collaborating using Git.
  • The history of a branch is a series of commits and extends all the way back to the very first commit and not the point at which it forked from its parents.
  • Branches can be easily created, merged and deleted.
  • Commits all have references and Git can move you between these references using git commit or compare them using git diff.

Content from Diverging Branches

Last updated on 2024-05-23 | Edit this page



  • What are branches?
  • How do we use branches in git effectively?
  • How can I check out other peoples branches whilst working on my own?
  • How do I keep my development branch up-to-date with main?


  • How branches can be used to fix bugs or develop features in isolation.
  • Switching branches, stashing and restoring.
  • How to keep a development branch up-to-date.
  • Differences between and when to use merge and rebase.
  • Git worktrees instead of branches.
  • Tracking multiple origins

Diverging Branches

As you and your collaborator(s) work on your repository you may find that changes others have made get merged into the main before you have finished your work. This has in fact just happened, the work to add a Zero Division exception has been merged via a Pull Request, but the work to address the Square Root function hasn’t and is in effect behind the main branch. The following is a representation of the current state, albeit from a single developer.

Diverging branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
Diverging branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.

In this example the main branch now includes the commits 3-8c52dce and 5-2315fa0 from the ns-rse/1-zero-division branch as well as the commit 7-bc43901 which was made when the ns-rse/1-zero-division branch was merged in. The ns-rse/2-square-root branch does not contain these commits.

In this particular example that is not necessarily a problem, the two features/issues are completely independent and it would be possible to merge the ns-rse/2-square-root branch into main without any merge conflicts because neither have modified the same files in the same location.

That will not always the case though, sometimes merge conflicts might arise if the second branch is changing some of the same files as the first branch. Another scenario might be that whilst work was being done on adding a new feature branch a critical bug was fixed that the new feature depends on and the changes now in main need incorporating in the feature branch.

There are two approaches to solving this merging (git merge) and rebasing (git rebase).


Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
After - merging ns-rse/1-zero-division into main then main into ns-rse/2-square-root. Development is completed on ns-rse/2-square-root and the feature merged into main
After - merging ns-rse/1-zero-division into main then main into ns-rse/2-square-root. Development is completed on ns-rse/2-square-root and the feature merged into main

The syntax of git merge is


git merge <OPTIONS> <ref>

Where <ref> is one of a commit, branch name or tag (both of which are references to commits). There is an option for how the merge is made known as fast-forward. Fast-forward is the default action unless annotated tags are being merged that is in the incorrect hierarchy. To explicitly enabled this behaviour (--ff) and the branch pointer, that is where the current branch diverged from the the main branch) is updated to point to the most recent commit on the main branch.

Typically though the main branch contains work from someone else’s branch and we want to incorporate those changes in the another branch.

1. Make a new repository


cd ~/work/git/hub/ns-rse
mkdir git-merge-test
cd git-merge-test
git init --initial-branch=main
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"

2. Create branch1, add a and commit it


git switch -c branch1
echo "# Just a test" >
git add
git commit -m "docs: Adding"
git logp

3. Switch back to main

Check the contents of (there is no such file as the it exists on branch1).


git switch main
cat   # Note that `` does not currently exist on this branch
git logp

4. Create branch2, add a LICENSE and commit it


git switch -c branch2
git add LICENSE
git commit -m "Adding a LICENSE"

5. Merge branch1 into main

Switch back to main and merge branch1 (this is equivalent to merging a Pull Request). The file now exists on the main branch.


git switch main
git merge branch1
git logp

6. Merge main, which now contains, into branch2

Switch to branch2 which has now diverged as it contains changes of its own and main contains the changes made on branch1. We want to merge the changes on main and “fast-forward” if possible.


git switch branch2
git merge --ff main # Merge changes merged into main from branch1 into branch2
git logp

*   d914fee - (HEAD -> branch2) Merge branch 'main' into branch2 (2024-03-01 12:02:08 +0000) <Neil
| * 7817070 - (main, branch1) Adding a (2024-03-01 11:57:35 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* | a14a643 - Adding a LICENSE (2024-03-01 12:00:39 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 1bd6bb8 - Initial commit (2024-03-01 11:57:06 +0000) <Neil Shephard>

7. Merge branch2 into main

We now have the changes from branch1 included in branch2 by virtue of having merged main. If we switch back to main we can merge the changes from branch2.


git switch main
git merge branch2
git logp
*   d914fee - (HEAD -> main, branch2) Merge branch 'main' into branch2 (2024-03-01 12:02:08 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
| * 7817070 - (branch1) Adding a (2024-03-01 11:57:35 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* | a14a643 - Adding a LICENSE (2024-03-01 12:00:39 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 1bd6bb8 - Initial commit (2024-03-01 11:57:06 +0000) <Neil Shephard>

8. Delete branch1 and branch2

As we’re done with branch1 and branch2 we can delete them.


# Delete the two branches
git branch -d branch{1,2}
git logp
*   d914fee - (HEAD -> main) Merge branch 'main' into branch2 (2024-03-01 12:02:08 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
| * 7817070 - Adding a (2024-03-01 11:57:35 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* | a14a643 - Adding a LICENSE (2024-03-01 12:00:39 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 1bd6bb8 - Initial commit (2024-03-01 11:57:06 +0000) <Neil Shephard>

Having used git merge we couldn’t perform a simple fast-forward because the history of main now contained changes that were made on branch1 and so a separate commit (d914fee) was made to merge the main branch into main (commits are denoted by * and so you can see the commits were made on separate branches). We can see from the graph that was added from a separate branch1 and LICENSE was added from branch2, although after deleting the branches they are no longer shown by name in the git log --graph output.


Rebasing moves the point at which the branch diverged from its original position to another, in this case the HEAD of the main branch. You are changing the base commit, hence the name git rebase.

Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
Before - diverged branches in python-maths ns-rse/2-square-root is now behind the main branch which has incorporated the changes from ns-rse/1-zero-division.
After - rebase to bring the diverged branch up-to-date with main which includes ns-rse/1-zero-division. Two more commits are made and ns-rse/2-square-root is then merged into main.
After - rebase to bring the diverged branch up-to-date with main which includes ns-rse/1-zero-division. Two more commits are made and ns-rse/2-square-root is then merged into main.

git rebase takes a different approach to bringing branches up-to-date and in effects moves the point at which a branch diverged from main rather than merging the changes in.

1. Make a new repository


cd ~/work/git/hub/ns-rse
mkdir git-rebase-test
cd git-rebase-test
git init --initial-branch=main
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"

2. Create branch1, add a and commit it


git switch -c branch1
echo "# Just a test" >
git add
git commit -m "docs: Adding"

3. Switch back to main

As before does not exist on the main branch.


git switch main
cat   # Note that `` does not currently exist on this branch

4. Create branch2, add a LICENSE and commit it


git switch -c branch2
git add LICENSE
git commit -m "docs: Adding a LICENSE"

5. Merge branch1 into main (equivalent to making a Pull Request)

Switch back to main and merge branch1 (this is equivalent to merging a Pull Request). The file now exists on the main branch.


git switch main
git merge branch1  # Merge branch1 into main, equivalent to a Pull Request

6. Rebase branch2 onto main so it includes the and the point of divergence is updated

Switch to branch2 which has now diverged as it contains changes of its own and main contains the changes made on branch1. We want to rebase branch2 onto main so that it appears as if branch2 forked after the changes from branch1 were merged.


git switch branch2
git rebase main # Rebase branch2 onto main
git logp

* 12f5202 - (HEAD -> branch2) Adding a LICENSE (2024-03-01 12:19:12 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 4e8e933 - (main, branch1) Adding (2024-03-01 12:18:37 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 2459609 - Initial commit (2024-03-01 12:18:37 +0000) <Neil Shephard>

7. Merge branch2 into main

We now have the changes from branch1 included in branch2 by virtue of having rebased onto main after the changes in branch1 were merged in. If we switch back to main we can merge the changes from branch2.


git switch main
git merge branch2
git logp

* 12f5202 - (HEAD -> main, branch2) docs: Adding a LICENSE (2024-03-01 12:19:12 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 4e8e933 - (branch1) docs: Adding (2024-03-01 12:18:37 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 2459609 - Initial commit (2024-03-01 12:18:37 +0000) <Neil Shephard>

8. Delete branch1 and branch2

As we’re done with branch1 and branch2 we can delete them.


git branch -d branch{1,2}
git logp

* 12f5202 - (HEAD -> main) Adding a LICENSE (2024-03-01 12:19:12 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 4e8e933 - Adding (2024-03-01 12:18:37 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 2459609 - Initial commit (2024-03-01 12:18:37 +0000) <Neil Shephard>

As you can see the history of the main branch is now linear.

Challenge 1: Diverging Branches

In your pairs bring the square-root branch up-to-date and incorporate the changes that have been merged into main from the zero-division branch and then create a Pull Request to merge the updated square-root changes into main on GitHub, review it and merge it.

The person who has been working on the square-root issue/branch will be at the helm for this, but work together to come up with a solution. You can use either of the two strategies git merge or git rebase to do this.

Diverged branches
Diverged branches

The first thing to do is make sure main is up-to-date and has the changes that have been merged from the zero-division branch locally.


cd ~/work/git/hub/ns-rse/python-maths
git switch main
git pull

Then you can switch branches to the square-root branch and merge the main branch in.


git switch ns-rse/square-root
git merge main

You can now push the changes that are on the square-root branch to GitHub and make a Pull Request for approval


git push --set-upstream origin ns-rse/square-root

The first thing to do is make sure main is up-to-date and has the changes that have been merged from the zero-division branch locally.


cd ~/work/git/hub/ns-rse/python-maths
git switch main
git pull

Then you can switch branches to the square-root branch and merge and rebase onto main.


git switch ns-rse/square-root
git rebase main

You can now push the changes that are on the square-root branch to GitHub and make a Pull Request for approval


git push --set-upstream origin ns-rse/square-root

Oh no I’ve got a merge conflict

Both the git merge and git rebase strategies in the worked examples and the python-maths repositories you worked through in the challenge were fairly painless because none of the changes that were made touched the same files. In real-life things are often likely to be a bit more messy and when you want to update your diverged branch you will often find that files you have been working on have been modified and merged into main by others. This results in a “merge conflict” where Git can not determine which lines are required and therefore requires manual intervention.

If you have undertaken the Git & GitHub Through GitKraken - From Zero to Hero! course you will have encountered merge conflicts when working through the “Python Calculator” exercise and have some idea of how to resolve them. We will however now go through resolving the issue when updating diverged branches.

1. Create a new repository


cd ~/work/git/hub/ns-rse
mkdir git-rebase-test-conflict
cd git-rebase-test-conflict
git init --initial-branch=main
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"

2. Create branch1 and add a

Again we add a but this time we make two commits to it, adding an extra line.


git switch -c branch1
echo "# Just a test\n\n" >
git add
git commit -m "docs: Adding"
echo "Lets add another line in a separate commit" >>
git add
git commit -m "docs: Ooops, missed a line from the"

3. Switch back to main

Again doesn’t exist on this branch yet.


git switch main

4. Create branch2 and add a

We now set ourselves up for a conflict by creating a on branch2, knowing full well that such a file already exists on branch1. We put different text into it.


git switch -c branch2
echo "# Just a test\n\nBut we're creating a merge conflict\n" >
git add
git commit -m "This repo needs a"

5. Merge branch1 into main

Merge branch1 into main. The has the text from branch1. As we are done with this branch we can delete it now.


# Switch to main and merge branch1
git switch main
git merge branch1
git branch -d branch1

6. Switch to branch2 and add another line to

Switch back to branch2 and add another line to, stage and commit it. The history now shows that we have two commits on this branch after the “Initial commit”.


# Switch to branch2 add more to `` and rebase
git switch branch2
echo "Lets add another commit to make things messier" >>
git add
git commit -m "Bulking out with more information"
git logp

* bce21bd - (HEAD -> branch2) Bulking out with more information (2024-03-01 13:26:01 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 29b2e32 - This repo needs a (2024-03-01 13:23:16 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 57e68aa - Initial commit (2024-03-01 13:20:14 +0000) <Neil Shephard>

6. Rebase branch2 onto main

We now want to update branch2 by rebasing onto main so that we have the new changes from main (i.e. those merged from branch1). In this instance though we know both branch1 and branch2 have modified the file and so we expect to get a conflict and sure enough we do.


git rebase main

CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in
error: could not apply fcfe2db... This repo needs a
hint: Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with
hint: "git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
hint: You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
hint: To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".
Recorded preimage for ''
Could not apply fcfe2db... This repo needs a

Oh dear we have, as expected, encountered the dreaded “merge conflict” as both branch1 and branch2 made changes to Lets take a look at what the file now looks like.


<<<<<<< HEAD
# Just a test

Lets add another line in a separate commit
# Just a test

But we're creating a merge conlict

>>>>>>> 29b2e32 (This repo needs a

Here HEAD refers to the branch that is being merged in (main) which contains the changes we made on branch1 and merged into main. The text that this refers to is delimited by <<<<<<< and ======= and is # Just a test and Lets add another line in a separate commit. The commit (fcfe2db) on branch2 which added two lines (although technically its 4 since we also included blank lines) then follows and is delimited by ======= and >>>>>>> and includes the message.

We are given some useful information as to what we could do and there are three options.

  1. Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with "git add/rm <conflicted files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
  2. You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
  3. To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".

These are really useful messages telling us how we can proceed. In this instance we want to take option 1, so we should open the and edit it to leave it in the state we want the file to be in.

7. Resolve the conflict

You can use the nano editor to open the file with nano Edit it to look like this


# Just a test

Lets add another line in a separate commit

But we're creating a merge conflict

You can use Ctrl+k to remove a whole line at once. Save the file and return to the command prompt (in nano this is Ctrl+O then Ctrl+X).


nano is a simple text editor found on most GNU/Linux and OSX systems that is quick and easy to use. A useful bookmark to help whilst developing the muscle memory for the commands is the nano shortcuts cheatsheet.

It is possible that your system may use a different editor than nano by default, e.g. vim. It does not matter which text editor you use to edit and save the files and if you are comfortable using this then that is not a problem.

8. Add the conflicted file and continue with rebase

You can now continue with the advice and add the conflicted files back to Git and continue with the rebase.


git add
git rebase --continue

Recorded resolution for ''.
[detached HEAD d041adb] This repo needs a
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
error: could not apply 84a1592... Bulking out with more information
hint: Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with
hint: "git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
hint: You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
hint: To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".
error: could not parse conflict hunks in ''
Could not apply 84a1592... Bulking out with more information

Hang on, we just resolved the merge conflict why are we being told there is another? Well the first conflict with commit fcfe2db was resolved and we are told as much in the line Recorded resolution for '', however there is now a conflict between that and commit 84a1592. We get the same advice so lets take a look at the state of


# Just a test

Lets add another line in a separate commit

But we're creating a merge conflict

<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> fcfe2db (This repo needs a
Lets add another commit to make things messier
>>>>>>> 84a1592 (Bulking out with more information)

Here we can see its the second line that we added to under branch2 that read Lets add another commit to make things messier that is causing the problem. Its not in the main branch on which we are rebasing so Git doesn’t know whether it should be and we have to manually resolve this. Edit the file so that it looks like the following.


# Just a test

Lets add another line in a separate commit

But we're creating a merge conflict

Lets add another commit to make things messier

9. Add the conflicted file and continue with the second stage of the rebase

Then add the conflicted file and continue with the rebase.


git add
git rebase --continue
[detached HEAD 0ccfe91] Bulking out with more information
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/branch2.

We are told that the rebase has been successful and branch2 now contains all commits from main (which includes those merged from branch1). If we look at the contents of it contains all of the lines we added to both branches as that is how we chose to resolve the conflicts manually.


# Just a test

Lets add another line in a separate commit

But we're creating a merge conflict

Lets add another commit to make things messier

The history/graph is linear now and shows that branch2 is two commits ahead of main.


git logp
* 0ccfe91 - (HEAD -> branch2) Bulking out with more information (2024-03-01 14:00:57 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* d041adb - This repo needs a (2024-03-01 13:59:31 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* 64905e8 - (main) Ooops, missed a line from the (2024-03-01 13:56:35 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* e68485d - Adding (2024-03-01 13:55:50 +0000) <Neil Shephard>
* dec5385 - Initial commit (2024-03-01 13:55:50 +0000) <Neil Shephard>


You may be wondering why when performing git rebase it mentions git merge. This is because a rebase will sequentially merge all commits from the branch you are rebasing onto, in this case main, into the HEAD of your current checked out branch (branch2).

Repeating yourself

You had to resolve two merge conflicts here, if the history you are merging has a lot of commits you may end up solving the same merge conflict repeatedly. There is a way to avoid this though.


Bringing a diverged branch up-to-date can get very messy and confusing if there is a large amount of divergence. The best strategy to avoid this complication is two fold.

  1. Break work down into small chunks and regularly merge them into main.
  2. If this can not be avoided or lots of others are making changes you should git merge or git rebase your feature branch onto main frequently.

You may encounter this situation and find that you are repeatedly resolving the same conflict as you want the finer grained control over git rebase and one option is to git rebase --abort and use git merge instead as you only have to resolve the conflicts once, although there may be a lot of them. One disadvantage of this is it makes it look like the commits stem from you and so many people prefer the rebase strategy.

Help is at hand though if you find you are repeatedly being asked to resolve the same conflict as you progress through a rebase in the form of rerere which stands for “reuse recorded resolution” and causes Git to remember how it has resolved merge conflicts at a given point and the next time it is encountered it will use the solution from the first instance.

You can enable this in your global configuration, which is covered in greater detail in the next episode, with the following.


git config --global rerere.enabled true

If you only wish to use this strategy on some repositories you can apply it to your local configuration from within the working directory.


git config --local rerere.enabled true

You can of course enable globally and disable locally as local configuration variables take precedence over global.

Challenge 2: Merge Conflicts

You have now merged both the Zero Division and Square Root features into your main branch. In order to gain experience of resolving merge conflicts the branch origin/ns-rse/merge-conflict exists with some of these changes already in place.

In your pairs work through the tasks of resolving these conflicts.

  1. Create a new branch resolve-merge-conflict.
  2. Merge the origin/ns-rse/merge-conflict branch into resolve-merge-conflict.
  3. Look at the file you are told there are conflicts with and resolve them, you should remove the conflict delimiters (<<<<<<< HEAD / ======= / >>>>>>> origin/ns-rse/merge-conflict) and select just one of the changes to retain.

The first thing to do is make sure main is up-to-date and has the changes that have been merged from the zero-division branch locally.


cd ~/work/git/hub/ns-rse/python-maths
git switch main
git pull
git switch -c resolve-merge-conflict
git merge origin/ns-rse/merge-conflict

You should, hopefully, see some merge conflicts being reported.


Auto-merging tests/
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in tests/
Recorded preimage for 'tests/'
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

…and if we look at the tests/ it shows the following conflicts.


<<<<<<< HEAD

def test_divide_zero_division_exception() -> None:
    """Test that a ZeroDivisionError is raised by the divide() function."""
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        arithmetic.divide(2, 0)
||||||| cdd8fcc

def test_divide_zero_division_exception() -> None:
    """Test that a ZeroDivisionError is raised by the divide() function."""
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        arithmetic.divide(10, 0)
>>>>>>> origin/ns-rse/merge-conflict

The ns-rse/merge-conflict uses arithmetic.divide(10, 0) whilst the function added in the earlier task uses arithmetic.divide(2, 0). Select one to use (it doesn’t matter which) and tidy up so it looks like the following.


def test_divide_zero_division_exception() -> None:
    """Test that a ZeroDivisionError is raised by the divide() function."""
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        arithmetic.divide(2, 0)

Merge or Rebase

Arguments rage online between experienced users as to whether you should git merge or git rebase it can often be a matter of preference and you should agree within your team which strategy to use and stick with it.

However it is worth noting that if you git merge your changes from the main branch into your feature branch when you come to merge your feature branch into main via a Pull Request then the git diff will show all changes for commits that have been merged into main since your feature branch was made and not just the changes you have made in your feature branch (i.e. the commits that have already been merged into main also appear in your pull request). This can make reviewing pull requests considerably harder and is a good case for using git rebase to keep your feature branches up-to-date when you know they have diverged.

Key Points

  • Branches can become outdated as work progresses
  • Branches can be brought up-to-date with either git merge or git rebase.

Content from Hooks

Last updated on 2024-08-02 | Edit this page



  • What the hell are hooks?
  • How can hooks improve my development workflow?
  • What is pre-commit and how does it relate to the pre-commit hook?
  • What pre-commit hooks are available?


  • Understand what Git hooks are.
  • Know what the different types of hooks are and where they are stored.
  • Understand how pre-commit framework is configured and runs.
  • Add new hooks and repos to pre-commit.
  • How to keep pre-commit tidy.

What are hooks?

Hooks are actions, typically one or more scripts, that are run in response to a particular event. Git has a number of stages at which hooks can be run and events such as commit, push, pull all have hooks that can run pre (before) or post (after) the action and these are really useful for helping automate your workflow as they can capture problems with linting and tests much earlier in the development cycle than for example Continuous Integration failing after pull requests have been made.

In a Git repository hooks live in the .git/hooks directory and are short Bash scripts that are executed at the relevant stage. We can list the contents of this directory with ls -lha .git/hooks and you will see there are a number of executable files with names that indicate at what stage they are run but all have the .sample extension which means they are not executed in response to any of the actions.


❱ mkdir test
❱ cd test
❱ git init
❱ ls -lha .git/hooks
drwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.0 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 .
drwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.0 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:46 2024 ..
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 478 B  Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 applypatch-msg.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 896 B  Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 commit-msg.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.6 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 fsmonitor-watchman.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 189 B  Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 post-update.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 424 B  Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 pre-applypatch.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 1.6 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 pre-commit.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 416 B  Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 pre-merge-commit.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 1.3 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 pre-push.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.8 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 pre-rebase.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 544 B  Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 pre-receive.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 1.5 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 prepare-commit-msg.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 2.7 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 push-to-checkout.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 2.3 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 sendemail-validate.sample
.rwxr-xr-x neil neil 3.6 KB Fri Feb 23 10:40:42 2024 update.sample

If you create a repository on GitHub, GitLab or another forge when you clone it locally these samples are created on your system. They are not part of the repository itself as files under the .git directory are not part of the repository.

Challenge 1: Checking out and enable sample hooks

Lets take a look at the hooks in the python-maths repository you have cloned for this course.

  1. What does .git/hooks/pre-push.sample do?
  2. Enable the .git/hooks/pre-push using the .git/hooks/pre-push.sample.
  3. Test the enabled hook by making an empty commit that will trigger the hook (hint it is case-sensitive).

Git will have populated the .git/hooks directory automatically when you cloned the python-maths.

  1. Change directory to the cloned python-maths directory.
  2. Look at the file .git/hooks/pre-push.sample.


 cd python-maths
 cat .git/hooks/pre-push.sample

# An example hook script to verify what is about to be pushed.  Called by "git
# push" after it has checked the remote status, but before anything has been
# pushed.  If this script exits with a non-zero status nothing will be pushed.
# This hook is called with the following parameters:
# $1 -- Name of the remote to which the push is being done
# $2 -- URL to which the push is being done
# If pushing without using a named remote those arguments will be equal.
# Information about the commits which are being pushed is supplied as lines to
# the standard input in the form:
#   <local ref> <local oid> <remote ref> <remote oid>
# This sample shows how to prevent push of commits where the log message starts
# with "WIP" (work in progress).


zero=$(git hash-object --stdin </dev/null | tr '[0-9a-f]' '0')

while read local_ref local_oid remote_ref remote_oid
    if test "$local_oid" = "$zero"
        # Handle delete
        if test "$remote_oid" = "$zero"
            # New branch, examine all commits
            # Update to existing branch, examine new commits

        # Check for WIP commit
        commit=$(git rev-list -n 1 --grep '^WIP' "$range")
        if test -n "$commit"
            echo >&2 "Found WIP commit in $local_ref, not pushing"
            exit 1

exit 0

When enabled this hook will “prevent push of commits where the log message starts with ”WIP” (work in progress)

This sounds like a good idea as it, notionally, prevents people from pushing work that is in progress, if they are in the habit of starting commit messages with “WIP”.

  1. Enable the hook.
  2. Create a new branch <github-user>/test-hook to test the hook on.
  3. Make an empty commit with a message that starts with WIP e.g. git commit --allow-empty "WIP - testing the pre-push commit". Was the commit pushed?
  4. Delete the branch you created.


 cd python-maths
 cp .git/hooks/pre-push.sample .git/hooks/pre-push

We can test the hook by making a throw-away branch and adding an empty commit that starts with WIP and then trying to git push the commit. After it fails we can force delete this test branch.


 git switch -c ns-rse/test-hook
 git commit --allow-empty -m "WIP - testing the pre-push hook"
 git push
Found WIP commit in refs/heads/ns-rse/test-hook, not pushing
error: failed to push some refs to ''
 git switch main
 git branch -D ns-rse/test-hook


You may have encountered the non-fast-forward error when attempting to push your changes to a remote. As the message shows this is because there are changes to the remote branch that are not in the local branch and you are advised to git pull before attempting to git push again.


 git push origin main
> To
>  ! [rejected]        main -> main (non-fast-forward)
> error: failed to push some refs to ''
> To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected
> Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again.  See the
> 'Note about fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' for details.

A simple addition you can add to the .git/hooks/pre-push script is to have it git fetch before attempting to make a git push which retrieve details, but not pull them, of changes that have been made to the branch on origin.


# A hook script to pull before pushing

exec git fetch


Pre-commit hooks that run before commits are made are really useful to the extent that they require special discussion and will be the focus of the remainder of this episode. Why are they so useful? It’s because they shorten the feedback loop of changes that need to be made when checking and linting code. It may seem mundane and unnecessary to apply such standards to your code, particularly if it is just exploratory code development, but over time if you employ these tools the way in which you write code will change so that it becomes natural to write code that is formatted and linted and should you then decide that code is ready to be used beyond exploratory stage it will not need refactoring in order to get it in shape. In essence this encourages adoption of good coding practices from the outset, taking responsibility/ownership of the code you write so that it is to the highest standards it can be. In the long run t is better to form good habits than bad ones and hooks help you do so.

There is a framework for pre-commit hooks called, unsurprisingly, pre-commit that makes it incredibly easy to add (and configure) some really useful pre-commit hooks to your workflow.


From here on whenever pre-commit is mentioned it refers to the Python package pre-commit and not the hook that resides at .git/hooks/pre-commit, although we will look at that file.

Why are Pre-Commit hooks so important?

You may be wondering why running hooks prior to commits is so important. The short answer is that it reduces the feedback loop and speeds up the pace of development. The long answer is that it only really becomes apparent after using them so we’re going to have a go at installing and enabling some pre-commit hooks on our code base, making some changes and committing them.


pre-commit is written in Python but hooks are available that lint, check and test many languages other than Python. Many Linux systems have pre-commit in their package management systems so if you are using Linux or OSX you can install these at the system level.

However, for this course the setup instructions asked you to install Miniconda and we can install pre-commit in a Conda environment to leverage it. The steps to do so are

  1. Create a Conda environment called python-maths with conda create -n python-maths python=3.11
  2. Activate the newly created python-maths environment.
  3. Install pre-commit in the python-maths repository.


 conda create -n python-maths python=3.11 pre-commit
Retrieving notices: ...working... done
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version: 24.4.0
  latest version: 24.5.0

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base -c defaults conda

Or to minimize the number of packages updated during conda update use

     conda install conda=24.5.0

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/neil/miniconda3/envs/python-maths

  added / updated specs:
    - pre-commit
    - python=3.11

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    cffi-1.16.0                |  py311h5eee18b_1         313 KB
    distlib-0.3.8              |  py311h06a4308_0         456 KB
    openssl-3.0.13             |       h7f8727e_2         5.2 MB
    platformdirs-3.10.0        |  py311h06a4308_0          37 KB
    virtualenv-20.26.1         |  py311h06a4308_0         3.5 MB
                                           Total:         9.5 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

  _libgcc_mutex      pkgs/main/linux-64::_libgcc_mutex-0.1-main
  _openmp_mutex      pkgs/main/linux-64::_openmp_mutex-5.1-1_gnu
  bzip2              pkgs/main/linux-64::bzip2-1.0.8-h5eee18b_6
  ca-certificates    pkgs/main/linux-64::ca-certificates-2024.3.11-h06a4308_0
  cffi               pkgs/main/linux-64::cffi-1.16.0-py311h5eee18b_1
  cfgv               pkgs/main/linux-64::cfgv-3.4.0-py311h06a4308_0
  distlib            pkgs/main/linux-64::distlib-0.3.8-py311h06a4308_0
  filelock           pkgs/main/linux-64::filelock-3.13.1-py311h06a4308_0
  identify           pkgs/main/linux-64::identify-2.5.5-py311h06a4308_0
  ld_impl_linux-64   pkgs/main/linux-64::ld_impl_linux-64-2.38-h1181459_1
  libffi             pkgs/main/linux-64::libffi-3.4.4-h6a678d5_1
  libgcc-ng          pkgs/main/linux-64::libgcc-ng-11.2.0-h1234567_1
  libgomp            pkgs/main/linux-64::libgomp-11.2.0-h1234567_1
  libstdcxx-ng       pkgs/main/linux-64::libstdcxx-ng-11.2.0-h1234567_1
  libuuid            pkgs/main/linux-64::libuuid-1.41.5-h5eee18b_0
  ncurses            pkgs/main/linux-64::ncurses-6.4-h6a678d5_0
  nodeenv            pkgs/main/linux-64::nodeenv-1.7.0-py311h06a4308_0
  openssl            pkgs/main/linux-64::openssl-3.0.13-h7f8727e_2
  pip                pkgs/main/linux-64::pip-24.0-py311h06a4308_0
  platformdirs       pkgs/main/linux-64::platformdirs-3.10.0-py311h06a4308_0
  pre-commit         pkgs/main/linux-64::pre-commit-3.4.0-py311h06a4308_1
  pycparser          pkgs/main/noarch::pycparser-2.21-pyhd3eb1b0_0
  python             pkgs/main/linux-64::python-3.11.9-h955ad1f_0
  pyyaml             pkgs/main/linux-64::pyyaml-6.0.1-py311h5eee18b_0
  readline           pkgs/main/linux-64::readline-8.2-h5eee18b_0
  setuptools         pkgs/main/linux-64::setuptools-69.5.1-py311h06a4308_0
  sqlite             pkgs/main/linux-64::sqlite-3.45.3-h5eee18b_0
  tk                 pkgs/main/linux-64::tk-8.6.14-h39e8969_0
  tzdata             pkgs/main/noarch::tzdata-2024a-h04d1e81_0
  ukkonen            pkgs/main/linux-64::ukkonen-1.0.1-py311hdb19cb5_0
  virtualenv         pkgs/main/linux-64::virtualenv-20.26.1-py311h06a4308_0
  wheel              pkgs/main/linux-64::wheel-0.43.0-py311h06a4308_0
  xz                 pkgs/main/linux-64::xz-5.4.6-h5eee18b_1
  yaml               pkgs/main/linux-64::yaml-0.2.5-h7b6447c_0
  zlib               pkgs/main/linux-64::zlib-1.2.13-h5eee18b_1

Proceed ([y]/n)?


 conda activate python-maths
(python-maths)  pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit


Examples of installing pre-commit at the system level for different Linux systems or OSX. Note you will need to have root access to install packages on your Linux system.


# Arch Linux
 pacman -Syu pre-commit
# Gentoo
 emerge -av pre-commit
# Debin/Ubuntu
 apt-get install pre-commit
# OSX Homebrew
 brew install pre-commit

The advantage of this is that you will be able to pre-commit install in any repository without first having to activate a virtual environment.

Challenge 2 - Checking out the installed pre-commit hook

We have just installed pre-commit locally in the python-maths repository lets see what it has done.

  • What will the message say if pre-commit can not be found by the pre-commit hook? (Hint - look for the line that starts with echo)

We can look at the .git/hooks/pre-commit file that we were told was installed.


 cat .git/hooks/pre-commit
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File generated by pre-commit:
# ID: 138fd403232d2ddd5efb44317e38bf03

# start templated
ARGS=(hook-impl --config=.pre-commit-config.yaml --hook-type=pre-commit)
# end templated

HERE="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
ARGS+=(--hook-dir "$HERE" -- "$@")

if [ -x "$INSTALL_PYTHON" ]; then
    exec "$INSTALL_PYTHON" -mpre_commit "${ARGS[@]}"
elif command -v pre-commit > /dev/null; then
    exec pre-commit "${ARGS[@]}"
    echo '`pre-commit` not found.  Did you forget to activate your virtualenv?' 1>&2
    exit 1

We see that near the end a message is echo that prints what follows to the terminal so if we get to that point the sentence “pre-commit not found. Did you forget to activate your virtualenv?” will be printed.

Configuring pre-commit

pre-commit needs configuring and this is done via the .pre-commit-config.yaml file that lives at the root (top-level) of your repository. The python-maths repository already includes such a file so you will have a copy in your local clone.


  - repo:
    rev: v4.5.0 # Use the ref you want to point at
      - id: check-case-conflict
      - id: check-docstring-first
      - id: check-merge-conflict
      - id: check-toml
      - id: check-yaml
      - id: debug-statements
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
        types: [python]
      - id: fix-byte-order-marker
      - id: name-tests-test
        args: ["--pytest-test-first"]
      - id: no-commit-to-branch # Protects main/master by default
      - id: requirements-txt-fixer
      - id: trailing-whitespace
        types: [python, yaml, markdown]

  - repo:
    rev: v0.11.0
      - id: markdownlint-cli2
        args: []

  - repo:
    rev: v3.15.0
      - id: pyupgrade
        args: [--py38-plus]

  - repo:
    rev: v1.8.0
      - id: mypy

  - repo:
    # Ruff version.
    rev: v0.4.2
      - id: ruff
        args: [--fix, --exit-non-zero-on-fix, --show-fixes]

  - repo:
    rev: 23.12.1
      - id: black
        types: [python]
        additional_dependencies: ["click==8.0.4"]
        args: ["--extend-exclude", "topostats/"]
      - id: black-jupyter

  - repo:
    rev: 1.16.0
      - id: blacken-docs
          - black==22.12.0

  - repo:
    rev: v2.2.6
      - id: codespell

  - repo:
    rev: v4.0.0-alpha.8
      - id: prettier

  - repo:
    rev: v1.6.0
      - id: numpydoc-validation
        exclude: |

  - repo: local
      - id: pylint
        args: ["--rcfile=.pylintrc"]
        name: Pylint
        entry: python -m pylint
        language: system
        files: \.py$

This YAML file might look quite complex and intimidating if you are not familiar with the format so we’ll go through it in sections.


The top-level section repos: defines a list of the repositories that are included and each of these is a specific pre-commit hook that will be used and run when commits are made. In YAML list entries start with a dash (-).


Each repo is then defined, the first line states where the repository is hosted and these are typically, although not always on GitHub. The first one is for pre-commit-hooks that come from the developers of pre-commit itself. Other configured repositories are

  • markdownlint-cli2
  • pyupgrade
  • mypy
  • ruff
  • black
  • black-jupyter
  • blacken-docs
  • codespell
  • prettier
  • local - which runs pylint locally.


The next line indicates the revision of the repo that you wish to use. These are typically git tags that have been applied to releases of the hook. In this example the revision is 4.5.0 for the pre-commit-hooks.


There then follows another entry called hooks: which defines a list of - id: and each of these is the name of a particular hook that will be run. There are hooks enabled for the following and they are fairly explanatory but the hooks page often has a one-line explanation of what the hooks enable.

  • check-case-conflict
  • check-docstring-first
  • check-merge-conflict
  • check-toml
  • check-yaml
  • debug-statements
  • end-of-file-fixer
  • fix-byte-order-marker
  • name-tests-test
  • no-commit-to-branch
  • requirements-txt-fixer
  • trailing-whitespace

Some of the hooks have additional arguments (args:) which are arguments that are passed to that particular hook or types (types) which restrict the type of files the hook should run on.


You can add comments to YAML file by pre-fixing them with a #. These may be at the start of a line or can be added to the end of a line and the text that follows will be treated as a comment and ignored when parsing the file.

Understanding .pre-commit-config.yaml

Now that we’ve gone through the structure of how a pre-commit repository is defined and configured lets look at some of the others that are defined.

Using grep to search for the numpydoc string in the .pre-commit-config.yaml we can hone in on the repo and its associated rev.


 grep -A1 numpydoc .pre-commit-config.yaml  | grep -B1 rev
  - repo:
    rev: v1.6.0

We see that it is v1.6.0 that is currently configured for numpydoc.

Searching for the black-pre-commit-mirror in the configuration and then looking for the id shows us what hooks are configured for this repi.


 grep -A10 "black-pre-commit-mirror" .pre-commit-config.yaml | grep "id:"
      - id: black
      - id: black-jupyter

The black and black-jupyter hooks are enabled. These will apply black formatting to Python files and Jupyter Notebooks.

Finally searching for ruff in .pre-commit-config.yaml and then looking for the args field we can find out what arguments are passed to the ruff linter.


 grep -A5 ruff .pre-commit-config.yaml | grep "args:"
        args: [--fix, --exit-non-zero-on-fix, --show-fixes]

The --fix, --exit-non-zero-on-fix and --show-fixes options are enabled.

Installing pre-commit hooks

The .git/hooks/pre-commit is a Bash script that runs pre-commit but where do the hooks come from? There is a hint in the configuration file where each - repo: is defined which points to a Git repository which contains the code and environment to run the hook.

These need downloading and initialising before they will run on your local system and that is achieved using pre-commit install-hooks.

The repos that are defined need installing, this is done once and sets up some virtual environments which are reused across Git repositories that have pre-commit installed. If the ref: is changed or updated then it will require downloading a new environment.

Running pre-commit

Whilst configured as a hook to run before commits pre-commit can be run at any time against the whole repository


 pre-commit run --all-files

…or on individual files, in this case pyproject.toml and


 pre-commit run --files pyproject.toml

If there are problems identified with any of the files pre-commit will report them and you will have to fix them and include the changes, staging before committing them (remember not to commit to the wrong branch such as main).

Adding Hooks

Which hooks you use will depend largely on the language you are using but there are hundreds of hooks available and these can be browsed at the website. The python-maths repository has a number of pre-commit-hooks enabled but lets add some more.

Looking at the pre-commit-hooks repo we can see there are a few hooks that we could enable. We will create a new branch to make these changes on and add the detect-private-keys, and prevent files larger than 800kb from being added using the check-added-large-files hook.


 cd python-maths
 git switch main
 git pull
 git switch -c ns-rse/add-pre-commit-hooks

Add the following - id: to the hooks: section defined under the first - repo:.


      - id: check-added-large-files
        args: ["--maxkb=800"]
      - id: detect-private-keys

It can help with readability if you order the hooks alphabetically so you may have something that reads like the following.


  - repo:
    rev: v4.5.0 # Use the ref you want to point at
      - id: check-added-large-files
        args: ["--maxkb=800"]
      - id: check-case-conflict
      - id: check-docstring-first
      - id: check-merge-conflict
      - id: check-toml
      - id: check-yaml
      - id: debug-statements
      - id: detect-private-keys
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
        types: [python]
      - id: fix-byte-order-marker
      - id: name-tests-test
        args: ["--pytest-test-first"]
      - id: no-commit-to-branch # Protects main/master by default
      - id: requirements-txt-fixer
      - id: trailing-whitespace
        types: [python, yaml, markdown]

After you have made changes to .pre-commit-config.yaml you have to stage them for committing, if you don’t the pre-commit programme will complain about it being unstaged.


 cd python-maths
 git commit --allow-empty -m "Trying to commit without staging .pre-commit-config.yaml"
[ERROR] Your pre-commit configuration is unstaged.
`git add .pre-commit-config.yaml` to fix this.

Whenever you modify, add or delete content to .pre-commit-configy.yaml you must therefore stage and commit the changes (NB make sure youre are)


 git add .pre-commit-config.yaml
 git commit -m "pre-commit : Exclude large files and detect private keys"
 git push --set-upstream origin ns-rse/add-pre-commit-hooks

Challenge 6: Add the forbid-new-submodules hook id to the pre-commit-hooks configuration

The following line should be added under the hooks: section of the - repo: repository configuration.


      - id: forbid-new-submodules

The file should then be staged, committed and pushed.


 git add .pre-commit-config.yaml
 git commit -m "pre-commit : adds the forbid-new-modules hook"

Adding repos

The definitive list of pre-commit repos is maintained on the official website. Each entry links to the GitHub repository and most contain in their instructions on how to use the hooks.

Challenge 7: Add the numpydoc repo, exclude the tests/ and doc/ directories and run it against the code base

The numpydoc repo defines hooks that check the Python docstrings conform to the Numpydoc style guide. Following the instructions add the repo to the .pre-commit-config.yaml (on a new branch)

Create a branch to undertake the work on.


 git switch main
 git pull
 git switch -c ns-rse/pre-commit-numpydoc

The following should be added to your .pre-commit-config.yaml


   - repo:
     rev: v1.6.0
       - id: numpydoc-validation
         exclude: |

Check that the code base passes the checks, correct any errors that are highlighted.


 pre-commit run numpydoc --all-files

The file should then be staged, committed and pushed.


 git add .pre-commit-config.yaml
 git commit -m "pre-commit : adds the numpydoc repo/hook"
 git push

Local repos

Local repo are those that do not use hooks defined by others and are instead defined by the user. This comes in handy when you want to run checks which have dependencies that are specific to the code such as running pylint which needs to import all the dependencies that are used or run a test suite.

The python-maths module already has a section defined that runs pylint locally. When running on a repository it will therefore be essential that you have a virtual/conda environment activated that has all the dependencies installed.


   - repo: local
       - id: pylint
         args: ["--rcfile=.pylintrc"]
         name: Pylint
         entry: python -m pylint
         language: system
         files: \.py$

Several of the configuration options we have already seen such as id, args and files but the name: field gives the hook a name and the entry: defines what is actually run, in this case python -m pylint which will take the define argument --rcfile=.pylintrc, and so what actually gets executed is


python -m pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc


The .pylintrc file is a configuration file for pylint that defines what checks are made.

Challenge 9: Define local pre-commit repo to run a pytest hook

The python-maths repository has a suite of tests that can be run to ensure the code works as expected.

Pytest is run simply with pytest.

Create a branch to undertake the work on.


 git switch main
 git pull
 git switch -c ns-rse/pre-commit-pytest

The following should be added to your .pre-commit-config.yaml


   - repo: local
       - id: pytest
         name: Pytest
         entry: pytest
         language: system

Check that the code base passes the checks, correct any errors that are highlighted.


 pre-commit run pytest --all-files

The file should then be staged, committed and pushed.


 git add .pre-commit-config.yaml
 git commit -m "pre-commit : adds a local pytest repo/hook"
 git push

Keeping pre-commit tidy

pre-commit downloads and installs lots of code on your behalf, including virtual environments that are activated to run the tests. It stores these in the ~/.cache/pre-commit/ directory and you will find a few common files (.lock, db.db and README) along with a bunch of directories with hashed names. These directories are the code and environments used to run the different hooks.

Over time and across multiple projects the size of this cache directory can grow so its good practice to periodically tidy up and there are two commands for doing so, which you should run periodically.

Cleaning and Garbage Collection

The pre-commit clean command will clean out files that have been left around periodically, these tend not to be too large so are less of a problem.

Cached virtual environments can grow to be quite large though, but they can be easily tidied up using the pre-commit gc command (gc stands for Garbage Collection.

Going further

Despite the name pre-commit actually supports hooks at many different stages stages. Whether these run will depend on where they are defined to run in the .pre-commit-hooks.yaml of the repo you are using, but they can also be over-ridden locally by setting the stages.

There are also top-level configuration options where you can set a global file include (files: "<pattern>") and exclude (exclude: "<pattern>") pattern which would apply across all configured repositories.


There is one section of the configuration which we haven’t covered yet, the ci: section defined at the bottom. This controls how pre-commit runs and is used in Continuous Integration which is the topic of our next chapter.

We’ve seen how hooks and in particular the pre-commit suite can be used to automate many tasks such as running linting checks on your code base prior to commits. A short coming of this approach is that whilst the configuration file (.pre-commit-config.yaml) may live in your repository it means that every person contributing to the code has to install the hooks and ensure they run locally.

Not everyone who contributes to your code will do this that is where comes in handy as it runs the Pre-commit hooks as part of the Continuous Integration on GitHub which is the focus of the next episode.

Key Points

  • Hooks are actions run by Git before or after particular events such as commit, push and pull via scripts.
  • They are defined in Bash scripts in the .git/hooks directory.
  • The pre-commit framework provides a wealth of hooks that can be enabled to run, by default, before commits are made.
  • Each hook can be configured to run on specific files, or to take additional arguments.
  • Local hooks can be configured to run when dependencies that will only be found on your system/virtual environment are required.
  • Use hooks liberally as you develop your code locally, they save you time.

Content from Continuous Integration

Last updated on 2024-05-23 | Edit this page



  • How can I get a computer to automate tasks?
  • How do I shorten the feedback loop when developing code?
  • How can I use GitHub Actions/GitLab CI?


  • Use and configure
  • Use Continuous Integration to have computers run checks and tests automatically.
  • Building Websites with Actions
  • Running actions locally

Continuous What?

We’ve seen how to run hooks locally and automatically in relation to events in the Git cycle, but it is also possible, and indeed desirable, to run hooks automatically on GitHub in response to different events. This is known as Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery depending on the actions taken and their effects.

Examples of actions that might be undertaken in this manner include…

  • Running the test suite for a package.
  • Building and deploying a website.
  • Building the software package and deploying it to the package repository (e.g. PyPI or CRAN).
  • Uploading archives of work to a Figshare repository such as ORDA
  • Running pre-commit checks online.

The list of options is vast and there are whole ecosystems for the different Forge’s as we shall discover.


This course focuses on GitHub but there are similar systems available for other Forges. All use YAML configuration files to configure the system and very similar syntax.


GitLab has an equivalent system named CI/CD.


Forgejo has a system very similar to GitHub using action

GitHub Actions

GitHub makes available a series of Virtual Machines in the cloud to undertake the tasks that you wish to perform via GitHub Actions. These define the events which will run, the conditions under which they will run and can call other actions that have been developed and shared by others on their repositories or even in the Actions Marketplace.


Configuration of actions that run in GitHub is via YAML files that reside in .github/workflows/.


Quite why the directory isn’t .github/actions/ is a mystery as it would align better.

The terms terms “workflow” and “action” may be used interactively when teaching the material but every effort has been made in the written material to use the term action when unless specifically referring to the directory.

Lets take a look at the structure of the existing actions define in the .github/workflow directory of the python-maths repository we have been working with.


ls -lha .github/workflows/
drwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.0 KB Sat Feb 17 07:28:30 2024  .
drwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.0 KB Sat Feb 17 07:28:30 2024  ..
.rw-r--r-- neil neil 639 B  Sat Feb 17 07:28:30 2024    test-python-package.yaml

There is just one file in this directory test-python-package.yaml, we can use cat .github/workflows/test-python-package.yaml to concatenate the file and see its contents.


name: Python package

    branches: main
    branches: main

    name: Tests (${{ matrix.os }}, ${{ matrix.python-version }})
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      fail-fast: false
        os: ["ubuntu-latest", "macos-latest", "windows-latest"]
        python-version: [3.10, 3.11, 3.12]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          python -m pip install .[dev,tests]
      - name: Test with pytest
        run: |


YAML (which stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a common format for defining hierarchical data structures. It is a super-set of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) that many find more flexible (in part because of the ability to have comments) and is regularly used for configuration files.


The syntax defined in the Workflow

  • name : defines the name of the Action.
  • on : defines the events the Action will be run on, here you can see that it will be run on both push events and pull_request which occur on the main branch.
  • jobs : this defines the jobs that are undertaken and is a bit more complex.
    • tests : this is the name of the job that is subsequently defined, here it is tests because the section defines running the tests.
      • name : The name for the test, this is a combination of the subsequent matrix.os and matrix.python-version
      • runs-on : defines the operating system/virtual machine that will be used to run the job, here it is set to ubuntu-latest and will use the most recent Ubuntu image available.
      • strategy : defines how the job will run, it has two sub-settings.
        • fail-fast : Currently set to false, but if true then any step failing cancels all other jobs in the defined matrix.
        • matrix : This is a neat way of defining more than one operating system, and in this case Python version on which to run the tests under. These combine to increase the number of virtual machines that are spun up and the tests are run under.
          • os : defines the operating system on which to run the tests, there are many available, including older versions of each.
          • python-version : defines which Python versions to run the tests under.
      • steps : Defines the different steps that will be run on each virtual machine.
        • uses : This first instance uses the actions/checkout@v4 which is an action provided by GitHub that checks out the repository the workflow belongs to. You will want to include this as the first step in almost all of your actions.
        • name : A description of the next step, in this case Set up Python
        • uses : Runs the actions/setup-python@v5 which will install Python, which version is defined under the with that follows.
        • with : Defines what version of the following items to use.
          • python-version : Uses one of the Python versions defined above under matrix.python-version
        • name : The next step is to Install dependencies
        • run : This step defines shell commands that are run, by virtue of the vertical bar (|), each command you wish to run should be on its own line. These next two lines upgrade pip the programme that installs Python packages and then installs the cloned package from the current directory, along with all dependencies, including those required for dev and tests.
        • name : The last step is to Test with pytest and runs the tests.
        • run : Another short shell command that runs the tests by invoking pytest which will have been installed as one of the dependencies in the previous step.

Actions…in Action

Earlier in the course you will have made Pull Requests and merged changes into the main branch. These will have triggered actions and we can now go and look at the log-files from running those actions.

In the GitHub repository of python-maths that you are collaborating on navigate to the Actions tab and you should see a list of actions listed.


There are a lot of actions available that can be run in the steps section of your custom action. The GitHub Marketplace provides a central place to search for solutions so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Challenge 1: Add the Python Coverage GitHub Action to python-maths

In your pairs add the Python Coverage GitHub Action to the python-maths repository.

Work together on the solution. Create GitHub issues and assign them and undertake the work on a new branch and make the following changes…

  1. Enable pytest to create a coverage report to a file by adding --cov-report coverage.xml.
  2. Run coverage on that file with coverage xml coverage.xml in the run: | section.
  3. Add the YAML section for - name: Get Cover after the section that runs pytest.

After creating an issue and assigning it you can create a new branch with the following.


git switch main
git pull
git switch -c ns-rse/4-python-coverage

The configuration you need to add changes the call to pytest to summarise coverage and output to a file and then calls the coverage action using that file.


      - name: Test with pytest
        run: |
          pytest --cov-report coverage.xml
          coverage xml coverage.xml
      - name: Get Cover
          uses: orgoro/coverage@v3.1
            coverageFile: coverage.xml
            token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

We saw in the Hooks episode how to use pre-commit hooks to run certain tasks prior to making commits to your feature branch. extends this and uses the same configured hooks to automatically check that code submitted in Pull Requests passes these same checks.

This can be useful to capture instances where pre-commit may have been disabled locally or if you receive contributions from outside of the core development team and contributor has not enabled pre-commit in their local workflow as it will run the formatting and linting tests, correct where possible and make commits directly to the branch in the Pull Request and inform if there were errors that could not be automatically corrected.


To get setup with navigate to the page and use the button to Sign In With GitHub. Once you have logged in select your profile and click on the Manage repos on GitHub link. You may be asked to complete your two-factor-authentication (2FA) at this point, but you should be taken to your accounts settings page (you can always navigate there using Settings > Applications). By default requires

  • Read access to issues, merge queues and metadata.
  • Read and write access to code, commit statuses, pull requests and workflows.

There are then two potions for Repository access you can either grant access to all repositories that you own, or you can select specific repositories. It is generally preferable to only allow access to specific repositories. The dialog that appears allows you to search for a repository that you wish to grant access to.


You can configure the behaviour of via the .pre-commit-config.yaml. The full specification is detailed in the documentation and is shown below.


    autofix_commit_msg: |
        [] auto fixes from hooks

        for more information, see
    autofix_prs: true
    autoupdate_branch: ''
    autoupdate_commit_msg: '[] pre-commit autoupdate'
    autoupdate_schedule: weekly
    skip: []
    submodules: false

Challenge 2: Add to your python-maths repository

In your pairs add an appropriate configuration section the .pre-commit-config.yaml on a new branch on the python-maths repository push the changes to GitHub and make a Pull Request.

Set the autoupdate_schedule to monthly and customise both autofix_commit_msage and autoupdate_commit_msg fields.

Finally configure the pylint hook to be skipped in

You are free to use the documentation to help guide you.


    autofix_commit_msg: |
        [] Linting code with pre-commit hooks.
    autofix_prs: true
    autoupdate_branch: ''
    autoupdate_commit_msg: '[] Automatically updating pre-commit'
    autoupdate_schedule: monthly
    skip: [pylint]
    submodules: false

Key Points

  • Continuous Integration/Delivery is a useful method of checking code before it enters the main branch.

  • GitHub uses Actions that are defined by YAML configuration files under .github/workflow/.

  • Actions can be restricted to events/branches/tags.

  • allows integration of pre-commit hooks in GitHub Actions.

Content from Additional Topics

Last updated on 2024-08-02 | Edit this page

Some additional topics that extend working with branches and the process of reviewing.

Worktrees instead of Branches

Sometimes you will want to switch between branches that are all in development in the middle of work. If you’ve made changes to files that you have not saved and committed Git will tell you that the changes made to your files will be over-written if they differ from those on the branch you are switching to and it will refuse to switch branches.

This means either making a commit or as we’ve just seen stashing the work to come back to at a later date. Neither of these are particularly problematic as you can git pop stashed work to restore it or git commit --amend, or git commit --fixup and squash commits to maintain small atomic commits and avoid cluttering up the commit history with commits such as “Saving work to review another branch” (more on this in the next episode!). But, perhaps unsurprisingly, Git has another way of helping your workflow in this situation. Rather than having branches you can use “worktrees”.

Normally when you’ve git clone’d a repository all configuration files for working with the repository are saved to the repository directory under .git and all files in their current state on the main branch are also copied to the repository directory. If we clone the pytest-examples directory we can look at its contents using tree -afHD -L 2 (this limits the depth as we don’t need to look deep inside the .git or mypy directories which contain lots of files).


git clone
cd pytest-examples
tree -afhD -L 2
[4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  .
├── [ 52K Jan  5 11:26]  ./.coverage
├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git
│   ├── [ 749 Jan  5 11:30]  ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
│   ├── [ 394 Jan  5 11:28]  ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG~
│   ├── [ 479 Feb 17 14:08]  ./.git/config
│   ├── [ 556 Feb 17 14:06]  ./.git/config~
│   ├── [  73 Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/description
│   ├── [ 222 Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/FETCH_HEAD
│   ├── [  21 Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/HEAD
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:27]  ./.git/hooks
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/index
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/info
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/logs
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/objects
│   ├── [  41 Mar 11 07:26]  ./.git/ORIG_HEAD
│   ├── [ 112 Jan  3 15:57]  ./.git/packed-refs
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./.git/refs
│   └── [4.0K Jan  1 13:31]  ./.git/rr-cache
├── [4.0K Jan  2 11:52]  ./.github
│   └── [4.0K Jan  3 15:57]  ./.github/workflows
├── [3.0K Jan  2 12:06]  ./.gitignore
├── [1.0K Jan  1 13:24]  ./LICENSE
├── [ 293 Jan  2 12:06]  ./.markdownlint-cli2.yaml
├── [4.0K Jan  5 11:27]  ./.mypy_cache
│   ├── [ 12K Jan  5 11:28]  ./.mypy_cache/3.11
│   ├── [ 190 Jan  2 10:39]  ./.mypy_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG
│   └── [  34 Jan  2 10:39]  ./.mypy_cache/.gitignore
├── [1.7K Mar 11 07:26]  ./.pre-commit-config.yaml
├── [ 763 Jan  1 13:25]  ./.pre-commit-config.yaml~
├── [ 18K Jan  2 12:06]  ./.pylintrc
├── [4.8K Mar 11 07:26]  ./pyproject.toml
├── [4.7K Jan  1 17:36]  ./pyproject.toml~
├── [4.0K Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache
│   ├── [ 191 Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG
│   ├── [  37 Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/.gitignore
│   ├── [ 302 Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/
│   └── [4.0K Jan  1 19:04]  ./.pytest_cache/v
├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples/
│   ├── [ 179 Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples/
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  5 11:18]  ./pytest_examples/__pycache__
│   ├── [ 491 Mar 11 07:26]  ./pytest_examples/
│   └── [ 390 Jan  2 13:34]  ./pytest_examples/
├── [4.0K Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info
│   ├── [   1 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
│   ├── [3.1K Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/PKG-INFO
│   ├── [ 481 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/requires.txt
│   ├── [ 446 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
│   └── [  16 Jan  2 16:09]  ./pytest_examples.egg-info/top_level.txt
├── [ 602 Jan  3 15:57]  ./
├── [   0 Jan  1 13:31]  ./
├── [4.0K Jan  1 13:30]  ./.ruff_cache
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  2 11:57]  ./.ruff_cache/0.1.8
│   ├── [  43 Jan  1 13:30]  ./.ruff_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG
│   └── [   1 Jan  1 13:30]  ./.ruff_cache/.gitignore
├── [4.0K Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests
│   ├── [ 681 Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests/
│   ├── [  26 Jan  2 12:11]  ./tests/
│   ├── [4.0K Jan  5 11:26]  ./tests/__pycache__
│   ├── [1.7K Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests/
│   ├── [1.6K Mar 11 07:26]  ./tests/
│   └── [   0 Jan  2 13:36]  ./tests/
└── [ 460 Jan  2 16:09]  ./

21 directories, 43 files

The Worktree

Worktrees take a different approach to organising branches. They start with a --bare clone of the repository which implies the --no-checkout flag and means that the files that would normally be found under the <repository>/.git directory are copied but are instead placed in the top level of the directory rather than under .git/. No tracked files are copied as they may conflict with these files. You have all the information Git has about the history of the repository and the different commits and branches but none of the actual files.

NB If you don’t explicitly state a target directory to clone to it will be the repository name suffixed with .git, i.e. in this example pytest-examples.git. I recommend sticking with the convention of using the same repository name so will explicitly state it.


cd ..
mv pytest-examples pytest-examples-orig-clone
git clone --bare pytest-examples
cd pytest-examples
tree -afhD -L 2
[4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  .
├── [ 129 Mar 13 07:45]  ./config
├── [  73 Mar 13 07:45]  ./description
├── [  21 Mar 13 07:45]  ./HEAD
├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks
│   ├── [ 478 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/applypatch-msg.sample
│   ├── [ 896 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/commit-msg.sample
│   ├── [4.6K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample
│   ├── [ 189 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/post-update.sample
│   ├── [ 424 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-applypatch.sample
│   ├── [1.6K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-commit.sample
│   ├── [ 416 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample
│   ├── [1.5K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-push.sample
│   ├── [4.8K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-rebase.sample
│   ├── [ 544 Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/pre-receive.sample
│   ├── [2.7K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/push-to-checkout.sample
│   ├── [2.3K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/sendemail-validate.sample
│   └── [3.6K Mar 13 07:45]  ./hooks/update.sample
├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./info
│   └── [ 240 Mar 13 07:45]  ./info/exclude
├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./objects
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./objects/info
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./objects/pack
├── [ 249 Mar 13 07:45]  ./packed-refs
└── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./refs
    ├── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./refs/heads
    └── [4.0K Mar 13 07:45]  ./refs/tags

9 directories, 19 files

What use is that? Well from this point you can instead of using git branch use git worktree add <branch_name> and it will create a directory with the name of the branch which holds all the files in their current state on that branch.


git worktree add main
Preparing worktree (checking out 'main')
HEAD is now at 2f7c382 Merge pull request #6 from ns-rse/ns-rse/tidy-print
tree -afhD -L 2 main/
[4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main
├── [  64 Mar 13 08:13]  main/.git
├── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.github
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.github/workflows
├── [3.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.gitignore
├── [1.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/LICENSE
├── [ 293 Mar 13 08:13]  main/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml
├── [1.7K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.pre-commit-config.yaml
├── [ 18K Mar 13 08:13]  main/.pylintrc
├── [4.8K Mar 13 08:13]  main/pyproject.toml
├── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples
│   ├── [1.3K Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples/
│   ├── [ 179 Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples/
│   └── [ 491 Mar 13 08:13]  main/pytest_examples/
├── [ 602 Mar 13 08:13]  main/
└── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests
    ├── [ 681 Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests/
    ├── [1.7K Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests/
    └── [1.6K Mar 13 08:13]  main/tests/

5 directories, 14 files

Each branch can have a worktree added for it and then when you want to switch between them its is simply a case of cding into the worktree (/branch) you wish to work on. You use Git commands within the worktree directory to apply them to that branch and Git keeps track of everything in the usual manner.

Lets create two worktree’s, the contributing and citation we created above when working with branches. If you didn’t


cd ../
mv pytest-examples pytest-examples-orig-clone
git clone --bare pytest-examples
cd pytest-examples
git worktree add contributing
git worktree add citation

You are now free to move between worktrees (/branches) and undertake work on each without having to git stash or git commit work in progress. We can add the to the contributing worktree then jump to the citation worktree and add the CITATION.cff


cd contributing
echo "# Contributing\n\nContributions to this repository are welcome via Pull Requests." >
cd ../citation
echo "cff-version: 1.2.0\ntitle: Pytest Examples\ntype: software" > CITATION.cff

Neither branches have had the changes committed so Git will not show any differences between them, but we can use diff -qr to compare the directories.


diff -qr contributing citation
Only in citation: CITATION.cff
Only in contributing:
Files contributing/.git and citation/.git differ

If we commit the changes to each we can git diff them.


cd contributing
git add
git commit -m "Adding basic"
cd ../citation
git add CITATION.cff
git commit -m "Adding basic CITATION.cff"
git diff citation contributing
CITATION.cff --- Text
1 cff-version: 1.2.0
2 title: Pytest Examples
3 type: software --- Text
1 # Contributing
3 Contributions to this repository are welcome via Pull Requests

NB The output of git diff may depend on the difftool that you have configured, I use and recommend the brilliant difftastic which has easy integration with Git.

Listing Worktrees

Just as you can git branch --list you can git worktree list


git worktree list
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples               (bare)
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/citation      19ff076 [citation]
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/contributing  ad56b91 [contributing]
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/main          2f7c382 [main]

Moving Worktrees

You can move worktrees to different directories, these do not even have to be within the bare repository that you cloned as Git keeps track of these in the worktrees/ directory which has a folder for each of the worktrees you create and the file gitdir points to the location of that particular worktree.


cd pytest-examples   # Move to the bare repository
tree -afhD -L 2 worktrees
[4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees
├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation
│   ├── [  26 Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation/COMMIT_EDITMSG
│   ├── [   6 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/commondir
│   ├── [  55 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/gitdir
│   ├── [  25 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/HEAD
│   ├── [1.4K Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation/index
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/logs
│   ├── [   0 Mar 13 09:31]  worktrees/citation/MERGE_RR
│   ├── [  41 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/ORIG_HEAD
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/citation/refs
├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing
│   ├── [  29 Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing/COMMIT_EDITMSG
│   ├── [   6 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/commondir
│   ├── [  59 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/gitdir
│   ├── [  29 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/HEAD
│   ├── [1.4K Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing/index
│   ├── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/logs
│   ├── [   0 Mar 13 09:30]  worktrees/contributing/MERGE_RR
│   ├── [  41 Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/ORIG_HEAD
│   └── [4.0K Mar 13 09:27]  worktrees/contributing/refs
└── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main
    ├── [   6 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/commondir
    ├── [  51 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/gitdir
    ├── [  21 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/HEAD
    ├── [1.3K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/index
    ├── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/logs
    ├── [  41 Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/ORIG_HEAD
    └── [4.0K Mar 13 08:13]  worktrees/main/refs

10 directories, 19 files

If we look at the gitdir file in each worktree sub-directory we see where they point to.


cat worktrees/*/gitdir

These mirror the locations reported by git worktree list, albeit with .git appended.

If you want to move a worktree you can do so, here we move citation to ~/tmp.


git worktree move citation ~/tmp

Removing worktrees

It’s simple to remove a worktree after the changes have been merged or it is no longer needed, make sure to “prune” the tree after having done so.


git worktree remove citation
git worktree prune
git worktree list
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples               (bare)
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/contributing  ad56b91 [contributing]
/mnt/work/git/hub/ns-rse/pytest-examples/main          2f7c382 [main]

Not Breaking Things During Rebasing

As you rebase your branch you can make sure that you don’t break any of your code by running tests at each step. This is achieved using the -x switch which will execute the command that follows. The example below would run pytest at each step of the git rebase and if tests fail you can fix them.


git rebase -x "pytest" <reference>

Constructive Reviewing

Working collaboratively invariably involves reviewing pull/merge requests made by others. This is not something you should be afraid or anxious about undertaking as its a good opportunity to learn. Whether your work is being reviewed or you are reviewing others reading other people’s code is an excellent way of learning.

Code Review Tutorial is an online tutorial to help you learn and improve how to undertake code reviews. It is an interactive self-paced learning resource that you can work through with the goals of…

  • Becoming a better reviewer and consider your method of communication, constructive and actionable criticism.
  • Be more comfortable having your code reviewed, share early and often.
  • Use code review as a collaboration tool for sharing knowledge so that everyone understands what changes are being made.
  • Read more code! You will be encouraged to read the source code of the software and tools you regularly use, its a great way of learning.
  • Enable more open source contributions and reviews.

Code Review Principles

There are a number of useful guides out there to help you improve how you undertake code review. Two that stand out are listed below and it is recommended that you take the time to read through these.

Content from Further Resources

Last updated on 2024-09-17 | Edit this page



  • Wow there is a lot I’m overwhelmed, will I ever know it all?
  • How can I keep on learning more about Git?
  • What material would you recommend?


  • Signpost some useful resources when you have more questions.
  • Highlight RSS and Mastodon as useful ways to find out more about Git on a regular basis.

Will I Ever Know it All?

xkcd : Git

Probably not. There is simply too much to Git and associated tools like GitHub/GitLab and Pre-Commit to have any hope of knowing everything there is to about all aspects, and besides the tools, just like programming languages, evolve over time. That shouldn’t dishearten you from learning what you need to as you go.

How can I keep on learning more about Git?

Practise makes perfect, or so the saying goes, but in the case of computing it really is true, if you don’t practise using the tools or writing code you will not improve. Whilst you might not reach perfection you will become more proficient.

What material would you recommend?

This course is the result of the author(s) learning path which was not undertaken in isolation but a consequence of years of usage and a lot of reading. Below there are links to a number of references, blogs, videos and so forth for finding out more about Git, GitHub and so forth.



Former founder of GitHub and co-author of the excellent book Pro Git Scott Chacon is big on Git advocacy. His book and articles are well worth reading and his videos are worth watching too.

These are summarised in the following series of blog posts.



Really Simply Syndication is a much under appreciated/used technology that makes it really simple to syndicate blog posts from a range of sources to give yourself a customised reading list rather than being at the whim of whatever is in your social media feeds when you happen to take a look at them.

Many of the blogs linked above have RSS feeds and whilst not all posts will be focused on Git you can sometimes get specific feeds for topics. I would highly recommend using RSS reader not just for improving your understanding of Git but all other research areas (e.g. Python, R, Open Research et.c) Some useful resources for RSS feeds are below.

  • OpenRSS is a simple way of creating RSS feeds for sites, even if they don’t natively provided them.
  • Feeder open source, private feed reader that runs on your Android device.
  • Feedly web-based feed aggregator.
  • FreshRSS a free, self-hostable feeds aggregator if you run your own websites.
  • Tiny Tiny RSS another free, self-hostable feeds aggregator if you run your own websites.

Scott Chacon

Former founder of GitHub and co-author of the excellent book Pro Git is big on Git advocacy. His videos and articles are well worth reading (as is his book).



You will likely have already come across StackOverflow already. Its a popular forum for asking and answering questions about almost any aspect of computing (with many subject specific sub-forums in StackExchange). It is worth creating an account here even if you never intend to ask questions as it is possible to bookmark questions and answers for future reference. Bookmarks can be organised into lists to make it easier to find specific topics.

When searching use the [<tag>] notation to search for posts with specific tags, for example to search for posts tagged with git you would include [git] in your search terms, for github you would include [github] and so on.

If you do ask questions try and provide as much information as possible in your question as to what you have tried (in terms of code and/or commands), the exact output (copy and paste) and format your post using Markdown to make it easier for people to read.

Also consider creating a minimal reproducible example to demonstrate your problem to others so they can recreate the problem, investigate where things have gone wrong and provide useful answers.


There are a lot of technical users who post their articles, ask questions and help each other out about all sorts of languages and tools on Mastodon. Join an instance and follow #git to keep abreast of things and find out what others struggle with and how they can be solved.

Fedi.Tips is a useful guide to getting started with Mastodon and once you’re setup it can be useful to use the Advanced Web Interface and add a column for the #git tag. A good Android client is Fedilab.