Continuous Integration

Last updated on 2024-05-23 | Edit this page



  • How can I get a computer to automate tasks?
  • How do I shorten the feedback loop when developing code?
  • How can I use GitHub Actions/GitLab CI?


  • Use and configure
  • Use Continuous Integration to have computers run checks and tests automatically.
  • Building Websites with Actions
  • Running actions locally

Continuous What?

We’ve seen how to run hooks locally and automatically in relation to events in the Git cycle, but it is also possible, and indeed desirable, to run hooks automatically on GitHub in response to different events. This is known as Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery depending on the actions taken and their effects.

Examples of actions that might be undertaken in this manner include…

  • Running the test suite for a package.
  • Building and deploying a website.
  • Building the software package and deploying it to the package repository (e.g. PyPI or CRAN).
  • Uploading archives of work to a Figshare repository such as ORDA
  • Running pre-commit checks online.

The list of options is vast and there are whole ecosystems for the different Forge’s as we shall discover.


This course focuses on GitHub but there are similar systems available for other Forges. All use YAML configuration files to configure the system and very similar syntax.


GitLab has an equivalent system named CI/CD.


Forgejo has a system very similar to GitHub using action

GitHub Actions

GitHub makes available a series of Virtual Machines in the cloud to undertake the tasks that you wish to perform via GitHub Actions. These define the events which will run, the conditions under which they will run and can call other actions that have been developed and shared by others on their repositories or even in the Actions Marketplace.


Configuration of actions that run in GitHub is via YAML files that reside in .github/workflows/.


Quite why the directory isn’t .github/actions/ is a mystery as it would align better.

The terms terms “workflow” and “action” may be used interactively when teaching the material but every effort has been made in the written material to use the term action when unless specifically referring to the directory.

Lets take a look at the structure of the existing actions define in the .github/workflow directory of the python-maths repository we have been working with.


ls -lha .github/workflows/
drwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.0 KB Sat Feb 17 07:28:30 2024  .
drwxr-xr-x neil neil 4.0 KB Sat Feb 17 07:28:30 2024  ..
.rw-r--r-- neil neil 639 B  Sat Feb 17 07:28:30 2024    test-python-package.yaml

There is just one file in this directory test-python-package.yaml, we can use cat .github/workflows/test-python-package.yaml to concatenate the file and see its contents.


name: Python package

    branches: main
    branches: main

    name: Tests (${{ matrix.os }}, ${{ matrix.python-version }})
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      fail-fast: false
        os: ["ubuntu-latest", "macos-latest", "windows-latest"]
        python-version: [3.10, 3.11, 3.12]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          python -m pip install .[dev,tests]
      - name: Test with pytest
        run: |


YAML (which stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a common format for defining hierarchical data structures. It is a super-set of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) that many find more flexible (in part because of the ability to have comments) and is regularly used for configuration files.


The syntax defined in the Workflow

  • name : defines the name of the Action.
  • on : defines the events the Action will be run on, here you can see that it will be run on both push events and pull_request which occur on the main branch.
  • jobs : this defines the jobs that are undertaken and is a bit more complex.
    • tests : this is the name of the job that is subsequently defined, here it is tests because the section defines running the tests.
      • name : The name for the test, this is a combination of the subsequent matrix.os and matrix.python-version
      • runs-on : defines the operating system/virtual machine that will be used to run the job, here it is set to ubuntu-latest and will use the most recent Ubuntu image available.
      • strategy : defines how the job will run, it has two sub-settings.
        • fail-fast : Currently set to false, but if true then any step failing cancels all other jobs in the defined matrix.
        • matrix : This is a neat way of defining more than one operating system, and in this case Python version on which to run the tests under. These combine to increase the number of virtual machines that are spun up and the tests are run under.
          • os : defines the operating system on which to run the tests, there are many available, including older versions of each.
          • python-version : defines which Python versions to run the tests under.
      • steps : Defines the different steps that will be run on each virtual machine.
        • uses : This first instance uses the actions/checkout@v4 which is an action provided by GitHub that checks out the repository the workflow belongs to. You will want to include this as the first step in almost all of your actions.
        • name : A description of the next step, in this case Set up Python
        • uses : Runs the actions/setup-python@v5 which will install Python, which version is defined under the with that follows.
        • with : Defines what version of the following items to use.
          • python-version : Uses one of the Python versions defined above under matrix.python-version
        • name : The next step is to Install dependencies
        • run : This step defines shell commands that are run, by virtue of the vertical bar (|), each command you wish to run should be on its own line. These next two lines upgrade pip the programme that installs Python packages and then installs the cloned package from the current directory, along with all dependencies, including those required for dev and tests.
        • name : The last step is to Test with pytest and runs the tests.
        • run : Another short shell command that runs the tests by invoking pytest which will have been installed as one of the dependencies in the previous step.

Actions…in Action

Earlier in the course you will have made Pull Requests and merged changes into the main branch. These will have triggered actions and we can now go and look at the log-files from running those actions.

In the GitHub repository of python-maths that you are collaborating on navigate to the Actions tab and you should see a list of actions listed.


There are a lot of actions available that can be run in the steps section of your custom action. The GitHub Marketplace provides a central place to search for solutions so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Challenge 1: Add the Python Coverage GitHub Action to python-maths

In your pairs add the Python Coverage GitHub Action to the python-maths repository.

Work together on the solution. Create GitHub issues and assign them and undertake the work on a new branch and make the following changes…

  1. Enable pytest to create a coverage report to a file by adding --cov-report coverage.xml.
  2. Run coverage on that file with coverage xml coverage.xml in the run: | section.
  3. Add the YAML section for - name: Get Cover after the section that runs pytest.

After creating an issue and assigning it you can create a new branch with the following.


git switch main
git pull
git switch -c ns-rse/4-python-coverage

The configuration you need to add changes the call to pytest to summarise coverage and output to a file and then calls the coverage action using that file.


      - name: Test with pytest
        run: |
          pytest --cov-report coverage.xml
          coverage xml coverage.xml
      - name: Get Cover
          uses: orgoro/coverage@v3.1
            coverageFile: coverage.xml
            token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

We saw in the Hooks episode how to use pre-commit hooks to run certain tasks prior to making commits to your feature branch. extends this and uses the same configured hooks to automatically check that code submitted in Pull Requests passes these same checks.

This can be useful to capture instances where pre-commit may have been disabled locally or if you receive contributions from outside of the core development team and contributor has not enabled pre-commit in their local workflow as it will run the formatting and linting tests, correct where possible and make commits directly to the branch in the Pull Request and inform if there were errors that could not be automatically corrected.


To get setup with navigate to the page and use the button to Sign In With GitHub. Once you have logged in select your profile and click on the Manage repos on GitHub link. You may be asked to complete your two-factor-authentication (2FA) at this point, but you should be taken to your accounts settings page (you can always navigate there using Settings > Applications). By default requires

  • Read access to issues, merge queues and metadata.
  • Read and write access to code, commit statuses, pull requests and workflows.

There are then two potions for Repository access you can either grant access to all repositories that you own, or you can select specific repositories. It is generally preferable to only allow access to specific repositories. The dialog that appears allows you to search for a repository that you wish to grant access to.


You can configure the behaviour of via the .pre-commit-config.yaml. The full specification is detailed in the documentation and is shown below.


    autofix_commit_msg: |
        [] auto fixes from hooks

        for more information, see
    autofix_prs: true
    autoupdate_branch: ''
    autoupdate_commit_msg: '[] pre-commit autoupdate'
    autoupdate_schedule: weekly
    skip: []
    submodules: false

Challenge 2: Add to your python-maths repository

In your pairs add an appropriate configuration section the .pre-commit-config.yaml on a new branch on the python-maths repository push the changes to GitHub and make a Pull Request.

Set the autoupdate_schedule to monthly and customise both autofix_commit_msage and autoupdate_commit_msg fields.

Finally configure the pylint hook to be skipped in

You are free to use the documentation to help guide you.


    autofix_commit_msg: |
        [] Linting code with pre-commit hooks.
    autofix_prs: true
    autoupdate_branch: ''
    autoupdate_commit_msg: '[] Automatically updating pre-commit'
    autoupdate_schedule: monthly
    skip: [pylint]
    submodules: false

Key Points

  • Continuous Integration/Delivery is a useful method of checking code before it enters the main branch.

  • GitHub uses Actions that are defined by YAML configuration files under .github/workflow/.

  • Actions can be restricted to events/branches/tags.

  • allows integration of pre-commit hooks in GitHub Actions.